Monday 1 February 2016

Its time to improve Tag Team from NXT

nxt tag team champion
Its time to improve Tag Team from NXT: As you know these days there are so few tag teams in WWE main roster. New day is the current WWE tag team champions but as you know they are not tag team the are thrice team (Big E, Kofi Kiingston and Xevier woods) The Usos and Lucha Dragons are the tag teams that people want to watch. Tag team plays a great role  in WWE. Tag team division was so strong in WWE before sometime but now there are just few teams in WWE that we can say the regular tag teams.Now Its Time For WWE To Import Tag Teams From NXT Usos are the regular tag team they are the former tag team champions and also won the tag team of the year award consecutively twice. WWE meed some more tag team i mean regular tag teams that the fans want  to see. Ascension is also a tag team but they are not so famous they used to come in the ring with some kind of masks on their mouths and also they do not have many moves neither they got some team work. They need to evolve or wrestle ass singles.

Lucha Dragons are the best team currently in the roster but as you know there is no team remaining as Lucha Underground. Sin Cara is injured and out and Kalisto is a reigning defending United States champion yet and may defend his title at WWE Fastlane 2016 Its Time For WWE To Import Tag Teams From NXT as we noted before that NXT has plenty of tag teams Mojo Rawley and Zack Ryder is the team that may debut soon in main roster as we see them in couple of house shows in these days now they are the need of WWE as this time WWE need a strong Tag Team Champions. It is now Wrestlemania season now and there must be two to three new teams to compete for tag team titles.

WWE need to strong their tag team sector. At Wrestlemania 32 New Day is gonna lose but to whom they gonna lose it is a big question. Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady are another great and fan liking team . If WWE want to keep their momentum going they have to promote Enzo and Cass to main roster.As you know NXT is full of talent this time they signs almost 1 stars in fact high profile star a week. There are many guys that can work as a great team. We will discuss this matter later on. 

Dash and Dawson the current tag team champs of NXT prove their selves the best in ring tag team. After winning the titles they almost beat each and every team  of NXT they are awesome in the ring. Currently they are working as heel and they are doing it fabulously. WWE need them to promote to WWE main Roster for a another great heel tag team in WWE. in these days there are just two hell tag teams in WWE. One of them is New Day and no doubt they are keeping their character greatly.

Ascension is another heel team but the are not working properly as you know they are not so famous. If we see the face tag teams then we have the Usos, Lucha Underground Mojo Rawley and Zack Ryder also arrived. So three faces and one heel is not a great combination there must be more heel characters then the faces in wrestling business.

Hell yeah, How we can forget about American Alphas (Jason Jordan and Chad gable) If you did not miss some previous episodes of NXT then you will came to know that how  brilliant they are. They are extraordinary team. Both guys in the ring as a team are no comparison in the whole roster. They are high flyers they are fast and quick and they have great understanding. Understanding is a basic factor of tag team. If you understand each other, You can be the best tag team of the world and Jason Jordan and Chad Gable prove it true.

There are talks about the Bullet Club members Karl Anderson and Doc Galloway coming to WWE. WWE did not say any official thing on this case. If the rumors are true and they are going to come in WWE then there is no anything more that WWE needed but, WWE has to call them at main roster as one of the biggest heels in WWE. If they send them to NXT or debut them as face then its not gonna be so good. As they did for Dudleys, they made them faces and you can say in these days that the Dudleys plan failed, WWE can bring them back  on highest with some good storylines. Come to the point, i want to say that there are some talks about Balor Club in WWE. Finn Balor is the leader person and Karl Anderson and Doc Galloway and may be some body other can be the fellow guys. Point is that WWE has to debut them at the main roster as a heel team.You know they are not gonna antiWyatts or any big face in WWE.

WWE is the biggest company so may they planned something more than that.  If you think that some teams like Damean Sandow and R-Truth or R-truth and Goldust can handle the situation then its not gonna happen at all. They are not some hyped or high profile  teams (sorry to their fans). They are formal single wrestler and we are talking about regular tag teams. We see on couple of house shows that Damien Sandow and R-Truth are working as a team in  one of those house shows our correspondent is present. He told us that they did not work perfectly, i mean they did not work as regular team. Damien Individually got a good reaction at house show but their team did not got a huge reaction. he also added that it was a flop plan by WWE.

WWE need some thing different in their tag team sector. 4 or 5 tag teams can not fulfill the needs of fans at least 8 or 9 tag teams required with 5 worst heel teams as we noted before that WWE is working of their four men tag sectors. It is a brilliant idea but it can affect their tag team sector badly in future. As you know there are 10 top superstars injured yet and Wrestlemania season is near ahead. WWE need to keep their momentum on going so that they can plan some big matches for Wrestlemaia 32.

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Its time to improve Tag Team from NXT
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