Wednesday 24 February 2016

Lucha Underground results for 24th February 2016

johnny mundo
Lucha Underground results for 24th February 2016 The show kicks off with a cinematic between Pentagon Jr. and his "master", Vampiro. Vamp talks about when he used to be Ian Hodgkinson, and realizing the voices in his head leading him down into the dark side weren't voices at all, but Vampiro coming through. He says he hand-picked Pentagon as his protege, so that together they would be unstoppable. He tells Pentagon to not let anyone get in his way, not even Catrina.
Jack Evans vs. PJ Black
Jack Evans is back to cut a promo on Drago, who he got a surprise upset over two weeks ago. He calls himself the Dragon Slayer, and says he'll make Drago his b---h.
This was a fun, high-flying match. Evans with his usual work-way-to-hard-to-do-basic-heel-moves routine, which is a lot of fun to watch. Midmatch Drago comes out and distracts Evans. He throws a bottle of water at him and Black almost uses the distraction to pick up the win with an Ace Crusher, but not quite. Drago accidentally nails Black with his mist and Evans rolls him up to steal it. So much heat.
Winner: Jack Evans
- Kill Shot is on his way to the ring for our second match. Kill Shot is a masked Shane Strickland, of CZW indie fame.
King Cuerno vs. Kill Shot
The match is all Kill Shot from the onset with a lot of high-flying stuff until he gets nailed with a superkick. Cuerno takes him to the floor and beats on him, hitting the Depths of Hell, rolls back into the ring and follows up with a running dropkick and big enzuigiri. There's a battle over the ring apron with Kill Shot ineffectively trying to superplex Cuerno, but settles for an armdrag. More back-and-forth until Kill Shot misses a 450 and Cuerno capitalizes with Thrill of the Hunt for the win.
Winner: King Cuerno
 Cuerno beats the hell out of Kill after the match, until Fenix runs down to make the save. We get a staredown until Cuerno bails.
 El Texano is back in action, but he'll have to take on not only Chavo Guerrero but The Crew as well in a gauntlet match.
Gauntlet Match
El Texano vs. Chavo Guerrero & The Crew
First out is Cisco. Boom. Superkick. 1-2-3. Goodbye Cisco.
Second is Castro. This one is slightly more competitive, with Castro at least getting in some offense. There's a couple of Texano nearfalls, including a flying leg drop. Eventually he hits a powerbomb to end it. Goodbye Castro.
Third is Chavo, and now the real match begins as Guerrero attacks from behind. It's all Chavo, until Texano builds back into the match with a clothesline and superkick. They got back and forth until spilling to the outside, which of course is where The Crew is still hanging out. The finish comes with Castro wrapping Texano's bullrope around his ankles and giving extra leverage for Chavo to pick up the pin.
Winners: Chavo Guerrero & The Crew
- Pentagon Jr. approaches Catrina and demands a match with Prince Puma. She wants to know whey she owes him anything after breaking Mil Muertes' arm in the season premiere. He shows her by putting her in an armbar and threatening to break her arm if he doesn't get what he wants. The lights go out and somehow she escapes. Catrina books the match, but tells Pentagon that he just made the biggest mistake of his life.
Johnny Mundo vs. Cage
Mundo is his usually cocky self, and even slaps the big man in his face. The match is very back-and-forth with neither really having control for more than a minute. They do all their usual moves, Mundo maintaining with his speed and Cage with his size as expected. Thought it might be over halfway through with Mundo going for The End of the World, but Cage gets right back up, knocks him down, and they go back into it.
Finish comes when Taya Valkyrie (former WWE developmental talent/AAA star) makes a random appearance and hands Mundo a lead pipe. He smacks Mundo with it to pick up the three.
Winner: Johnny Mundo
 The show fades out with Mundo and Taya beating down Cage.
 Fade back in to King Cuerno saying he wants a match against Mil Muertes, and he wants to cash in his Gift of the Gods Championship regardless of the broken arm. She basically says "too bad" and books him in a ladder match against Fenix for the GOTG title. Why is this a thing if she never lets anyone use it?

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Lucha Underground results for 24th February 2016
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