Saturday 27 February 2016

Predicted match card for Wrestlemania 32

Road to Wrestllemania Started a few days before. Three matches are also announced for Wrestlemania 32 but there are still mostly card is empty. So ,we are gonna fill it with some predictions. Predicted match card for Wrestlemania 32 is here that you can see below.

aj styles vs kevin owens
1. AJ Styles vs Kevin Owens(Prediction):
We are predicting this match again and again after Royal Rumble 2016. As you know Kevin Owens is the current WWE IC champ and there are no signs that Dean Ambrose is gonna take his rematch for the title so it looks like that Kevin Owens is gonna fight other than Dean Ambrose at Wrestlemania 32.
AJ Styles is the best option available to fill that spot. Kevin Owens vs AJ Styles for WWE Intercontinental title is gonna be best match for Wrestlemania 32. Both guys are really really great in ring competitors. AJ Styles is no doubt phenomenal and Kevin Owens is the guy who can work a worst match with any other star. I think its gonna be official too soon.
sasha banks vs charlotte

2. Sasha Banks vs Charlotte For Divas Title(Prediction):
Charlotte beat Brie Bella at Fastlane 2016 to retain her title. She is still divas champ but the problem is, There are two contenders for her title. Becky Lynch and Sasha banks. They are gonna fight for #1 contender ship at WWE RAW next week. Sasha is gonna win at any cost.

 Becky Lynch earned the shot twice before so there is no chance for another title shot for her, This match will officially announce by WWE at WWE RAW next week. Remember over prediction during the match and after the match.

enzo and big cass
3. New Day vs Enzo Amore and Big Cass Tag Team Titles Match(Prediction):
New day is unstoppable now. As you know after they became champs they beat each and every best team of WWE. They beat the Usos, Dudley Boyz, Lucha Dragons in fact, they beat all tag teams in WWE. Now they need new guys that can beat them for the world titles. Some sources are reporting that AJ Styles and Chris Jericho vs New Day is schedule for Wrestlemania 32.

May be that match gonna happened but I think there are so less chances for the bout. I think WWE is not wanna make AJ Styles a tag teamer after his phenomenal performances. They are gonna give Enzo Amore and Big Cass a title shot now and that is the even not an odd.

balor club
4. Wyatt Family vs Balor Club (Prediction):
Wyatt Family is just unstoppable. They decimates every one in the roster nobody want to fight them. They are just over the ring. Every time when they come down to the ring it means destruction comes to the ring but now its time for WWE to make a competitive opponent for Wyatt Family.

There can't be a best opponent then the Balor Club. Yeah I know Balor Club is not official yet but they gesture many times that they are gonna make it soon. Finn Balor who is suppose to be the leader of Balor Club made some signs and also made several tweets about Balor Club. Wyatt Family vs Balor Club nothing can be best then that. 

kalisto us title
5. Kalisto vs Rusev for US Title (Prediction):
Kalisto a high flyer in WWE grab the U.S title. Alberto Del Rio is the man who tried twice to get the title back on him but can't succeed. in the mission now I think they are gonna give this mission to Rusev. Rusev gestured before for the U.S title and now its gonna be one to challenge Kalisto in next few days.
Kalisto shows him self a great singles performer. He fought with Neville and many other stars and shows a potential to conquer any thing in WWE. Rusev is also a heavy hitter but we can expect a back and forth match up for both if that match happens. 

ronda rousey vs stephanie mcmahon
6. Stephanie McMahon vs Ronda Rousey (Predictions):
Their chemistry is not hidden from anybody. Ronda Rousey embarrassed Stephanie McMahon at Wrestlemania 31. Ronda and Rock beat down Triple H and Stephanie McMahon in front of Wrestlemania 31 crowd.

Its time for take revenge for Stephanie McMahon. She may gonna fight to Ronda Rousey to take revenge for her insult and Wrestlemania 32 is the best spot for that revenge.

dean ambrose vs Brock Lesnar
7. Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar No Hold Barred Street Fight (Official):
Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar is official now. As you know they built their feud in Triple Threat match during Fastlane 2016. Dean Ambrose performed as a daredevil during the feud and now they are gonna fight at Wrestlemania 32 in a no hold barred street fight.

That is the match you can all Wrestlemania match up. This match is gonna be a real treat for fans. Both guys are really over. Brock Lesnar is well known for his heavyweight and abilities like suplexes and Dean Ambrose is well known for his craziness. Nothing can be best then Lunatic vs Beast.

shane mcmahon vs undertaker
8. Undertaker vs Shane McMahon (Official):
Undertaker is the best and the worst man in wrestling world. Wrestling fans are also well aware of Shane McMahon. Shane McMahon vs Undertaker in Hell in a Cell at Wrestlemania 32 is official now. There are mix reactions for the match but we can't do anything about that.

If Shane McMahon wins that match then he will get the full control of WWE RAW after that. This match is gonna be fun for the fans. As it is a Hell in a Cell match and WWE is not let Wrestlemania 32 a flop show, so you expect the best action between both.

roman reigns vs triple h
9.Roman Reigns vs Triple H World Heavyweight Title Match (Official):
That's the headline for Wrestlemania 32, Triple H vs Roman Reigns for WWE World heavyweight title match. Triple H won the 30 man Royal Rumble match to became WWE Heavyweight champion. Then WWE give an opportunity to Roman Reigns to get he title shot back.

They gave him a triple threat match at Fastlane 2016 to earned the shot back and he did it he got the win for him. Now Triple H vs Roman Reigns is official and fans are waiting deadly for the match. This is gonna be a best and worst Hardcore match no doubt.

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Predicted match card for Wrestlemania 32
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