Wednesday 3 February 2016

TNA Impact Wrestling results for 2nd February 2016

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TNA Impact Wrestling Results For 2nd February 2016 are here. The show opens up when Matt Hardy comes out with his wife Reby Sky and Tyrus. Reby Talks trash about Jeff Hardy and also says that he is jealous of Matt's title win.
Bram and Eric Young join them.Young also trashes about Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle and Bobby Roode etc. He says he hurt each and every big start at TNA. Angle interrupts and says that he talked to management and they gave him a title match with Matt tonight. Matt goes nuts on it and warn Angle and then attacks him.Beer Money also joins the brawl Crazy Steve and Abyss also join them. Tyrus warns Drew to abandon his briefcase and forget about the title shot he won on last week's show. Drew says he won't. Tyrus tells him, well, it's your funeral.
Bobby Lashley vs. Aiden O'Sheah
Lashley won this one easily after the match the new TNA knockout Raquel takes a mic and says he can give Lashley pain or Pleasure and talk some more. Lashley looks stunned after that.
Winner: Bobby Lashley
Maria comes out and does an interview. She says the Knockouts division is broken and she is the only one who can fix it. Gail Kim appears. Gail says she admires her but wonders what is going on here. Maria calls herself a business woman and offers to make Kim a big mainstream star. Gail is annoyed and tells Maria to get in the ring and wrestle if she wants to make a difference. Maria gets mad and says Gail is holding the division back and should be working for her. Gail challenges Maria. She backs off quickly.
The Carter interview is hyped again.
Beer Money and the Wolves talk amicably backstage. They're both against Matt's heel stable but will likely fight each other at some point. Roode said tonight they all go to war and they shake hands.
Hardcore War match: Crazzy Steve, Abyss, Bram and Eric Young vs. Eddie Edwards, Davey Richards, Robert Roode and James Storm
This was a lot of fun. Too many weapons too count and there was a great seven-man suplex spot. The heels won after Steve hit Davey with the mist and Abyss hit him with one of the tag belts. Steve covered him to win.
Winner: Crazzy Steve, Abyss, Bram and Eric Young
Galloway talks to Angle backstage. He says he hopes to face him in another match in the future. He wishes him luck against Matt later tonight. Drew asks for a title shot if Angle wins; Kurt says sure.
Galloway vs. Tyrus
Mike Bennett and Maria showed up and hit Galloway with his Feast or Fired briefcase to end it. Bennett mocks Galloway afterwards and calls himself the miracle that will save TNA.
Winner: Galloway via DQ
Helms comes out. He says he will not personally challenge Uno for the title, and instead introduces his protege: Trevor Lee.
Tigre Uno vs. Trevor Lee
Lee hit God's Last Gift for the win to become the new X division champion. The match was a bit too short and anti-climatic.
Winner: Trevor Lee
EC3 talks. He says he suffered the worst beating of his life a few weeks ago. He reluctantly congratulates Matt but says it took everyone and everything to finally beat him. He says he will to go the United Kingdom and beat Matt for the belt there.
Matt Hardy vs. Kurt Angle
Matt retained via a ton of outside interference. Reby was distracting Angle even before the bell rang. Match ended when Angle went up top, but both Tryus and Reby grabbed him, which gave Matt the chance to hit the twist of fate to win.
Winner: Matt Hardy
Angle walks away despondently to close out the show.

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TNA Impact Wrestling results for 2nd February 2016
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