Friday 12 February 2016

WWE Smackdown results for 11th February 2016

aj styles
WWE Smackdown results for 11th February 2016 are here now. Chris Jericho comes out to start the things off. He cuts a promo about his match against AJ Styles he says Styles did not achieve the Phenomenal thing yet and talk some more. AJ Styles comes out and tries to answer him before they interrupted by Social Outcasts. The have words and then start fighting. AJ Styles and Jericho clear the ring and we got and opener for tonight with AJ Styles and Chris Jericho vs Social Outcasts. 
AJ Styles & Chris Jericho vs. Social Outcasts
Styes and Jericho are dominant as we come back from commercial, until Curtis Axel drops AJ Styles with a clothesline. Styles comes back with a Pele kick and tags Jericho, who drops Rose and Lionsaults him. Styles tags himself in and gets the pin with the flying forearm.
Winner: AJ Styles & Chris Jericho via pinfall (springboard forearm)
Chris Jericho lays out Styles with the Codebreaker and says he'll see Styles later.
They aired some RAW recaps.
 The Dudley Boyz are out in street clothes with a table in the ring. Bubba Ray says they're sick of hearing about Daniel Bryan, and D-Von says they're tired of being looked at as a nostalgia act. Bubba says they're not using tables anymore, and make the stagehands take them away. This is good stuff.
 Becky Lynch joins the commentary team.
Sasha Banks vs. Naomi (w/ Tamina)
Both women go through a couple of pin attempts, but no dice. Sasha gets yanked off the apron, then ran into it. Sasha Banks comes back, but both end up laid out. The get up and trade strikes, with Banks getting the better of it with clotheslines and a running headscissors.
Sasha gets a two count of running knees in the corner. Tamina grabs Sasha's feet, and Naomi gets two with a headscissors driver. Naomi misses a split legged moonsault, and Tamina assaults and beats up Becky. Sasha saves her and applies the Banks Statement for the win.
Winner: Sasha Banks via submission (Bank Statement)
 AJ Styles addresses the "Redneck rookie" comments on Raw while he's backstage. He says he's proud to be a redneck, but he's no rookie. Tonight he'll show Chris Jericho why they call him the "Phenomenal One."
 The Wyatt Family come out and cut their typical promo, saying that they're going to take over.
Cosmic Wasteland vs. Neville & Lucha Dragons
Cosmic Wasteland beat down Neville in their corner, but Neville scores with a quick enziguri. Kalisto gets the tag and takes out the heels, then Lucha Dragons hit suicide dives in stereo. A springboard kick on Konnor sets up an SDS, Swanton Bomb and Red Arrow for the win.
Winners: Neville & Lucha Dragons via pinfall (Red Arrow)
 We take a look back at Daniel Bryan's retirement speech and career. The Ultimate Daniel Bryan Collection will be available on the WWE Network tomorrow.
AJ Styles vs. Chris Jericho
Styles lands his signature dropkick and a short huracanrana, but Jericho catapults Styles into the bottom rope. Jericho lands a triangle dropkick as we head to our final commercial break. We come back to see Jericho eating turnbuckle and getting pummeled by Styles, including a sliding forearm.
Jericho gets to the second rope, but Styles lands a Pele kick, knocking him down. Styles gets a double underhook backbreaker, but it doesn't get the job done and Jericho goes after the Walls of Jericho, but settles for getting caught coming off the top by a Styles dropkick.
Jericho comes right back with a Lionsault that almost gets the win. Styles fires back a with a fireman's carry neckbreaker, but gets put in the Walls of Jericho on a Styles Clash attempt. Styles turns it into the Calf Crusher. Jericho gets to the ropes and rolls out, but is met with a slingshot plancha. Jericho knocks AJ off the top rope and hits the Codebreaker for the win!
Winner: Chris Jericho via pinfall (Codebreaker)

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WWE Smackdown results for 11th February 2016
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