Sunday 21 February 2016

Ziggler vs Owens I.C championship match at Fastlane

ziggler vs owens at fastlane 2016
WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. Kevin Owens
Kevin Owens comes out to a heat and Dolph is Out next to huge pop from the crown and we go to it. Ziggler goes on it but Owens hide in the ropes. They lock it up again and Owens goes again to the ropes and hits a cheap headbutt on Ziggler.Ziggler tries to keep control but Owens applies a headlock. Shoulder tackle for one count for Owens. Ziggler slips and lands bad in the corner and Owens takes control again.Ziggler comes back and nails a swinging neckbreaker. Ziggler misses an elbow and Owens comes back with another senton for a 2 count. Owens with a headlock now. Owens charges in the corner but Ziggler moves and Owens lands out on the floor. Owens clutches his shoulder but comes back in. Owens misses in the corner and Ziggler comes back with two big splashes. Ziggler with right hands, a neckbreaker and three elbows. Ziggler covers for a close 2 count after the fourth elbow. Ziggler misses a Fame-asser but keeps going. Owens ends up dropping Ziggler on the top rope and crotching him. Owens with the corner cannonball for a close 2 count.
Owens yells out at Cole and wastes time. Ziggler avoids a pop-up powerbomb and drops Owens with a DDT for a 2 count. Ziggler with shots in the corner. Ziggler takes Owens to the top for a superplex but Owens fights him off. Owens counters and slams Ziggler hard to the mat from up high. Ziggler rolls to the floor. Owens follows but Ziggler nails a superkick and they're both down now. Ziggler rolls Owens back in the ring. Owens blocks the Zig Zag and hits a superkick. Owens also goes down. Owens gets up and stumbles into another big superkick. Ziggler covers for a close 2 count. Owens rolls to the floor now.
Owens get Ziggler down to the floor and tries to connect a power bomb but Ziggler counters him through the steel steps. Ziggler takes Owens to the ring and tries to connect a superkick. Owens takes a side and Referee almost got the superkick. It distract Ziggler for a second and Owens took advantage of this one second for the powerbomb and Pin.
Winner: Kevin Owens
Owens Leave with the title after the match as we see Ziggler tries to recover.

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Ziggler vs Owens I.C championship match at Fastlane
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