Tuesday 1 March 2016

TNA Impact Wrestling results for 2nd March 2016

ethan carter 3
TNA Impact Wrestling results for 2nd March 2016. Matt Hardy shown backstage with Rockstar Spud to open the show. He thanks Spud for his help last week they hug and segment ends.Kurt Angle vs Booby Roode is the opener for tonight.
Bobby Roode vs Kurt Angle
Bobby Roode hits the ring first. Then Kurt's music hits and crowd cheers really over. They go at it with some locks and then made it hardcore. A really good back and forth action between both guys. Bobby escapes from Ankle lock once but he taps on second one. He shows respect to Kurt and embrace him.
Winner: Kurt Angle
Then they drink milk and beer together in the ring. Angle talk about Beer Money vs The Wolves.Music hits and wolves appear.Edward told that everybody know that James Storm has a tag team title shot and that match is gonna next week. They shake hands in middle of the ring and go on their ways.
Matt Hardy is out with Reby and Tyrus. He gloats about his win over Carter on last week's show. He informs us that Carter will never get a shot again. He praises Spud for helping him. Spud comes out. Spud trashes England. He says the fans are just jealous. Spud said he wanted to hurt EC3 and did so by taking the WHC title from him. He calls Matt the champion TNA needs. Carter comes out. He goes after Matt. Spud tries to attack him. Carter wants a match with Spud tonight. No ref. No rules.
Gail Kim is mad at Maria for her betrayal at Lethal Lockdown. She wants a fight.
A Decay music video airs. Dixie is annoyed at Matt for what happened moments earlier. She gives her nephew the streetfight against Spud that he requested.
Abyss vs. Jimmy Havoc
Abyss won with the Black Hole Slam on the barbed wire.
Winner: Abyss
Mike Bennett hypes up his match with Galloway later tonight. Carter compliments Spud for waiting whole year to get his vengeance, but calls him a lamb to the slaughter tonight.
Kim comes out. She wants to fight Maria. Maris appears and doesn't seem keen. Kim says unlike Maria she's not interested in fame. She just wants to wrestle. Maria shrewdly points out she's married to a TV chef. Oh, good one. They trade more words and Gail ends up chasing after Maria until she's blindsided by Jade.Jade smacks her with the belt and indicates she wants to be the champion.
Eric Young vs. Big Damo
Big Damo put on a strong performance but Young ended up retaining with the piledriver.
Winner: Eric Young
Galloway says he's ready for Bennett.
Mike Bennett vs. Drew Galloway
Bennett won with the schoolboy. Galloway had the win with the Claymore at one point, but Maria got her man's foot on the rope.
Winner: Drew Galloway
Matt Hardy gives Spud a pep talk. He tells to make EC3 pay for the things he has done. Grado/Odarg cuts a promo and says he will provide conclusive proof he was screwed out of his job. Matt Hardy and Tyrus attack Carter as he heads to the ring.
Carter vs. Spud
Great fight. It ended with Carter choking out Spud and the refs having to get involved. Spud also got powerbombed through the table.A really good match. Spud also really over no doubt.
Winner: Ethan Carter

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TNA Impact Wrestling results for 2nd March 2016
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