Thursday 3 March 2016

WWE Smackdown results for 3rd March 2016

dean ambrose
WWE Smackdown results for 3rd March 2016.Dean Ambrose comes out and says he's sick of Triple H and he wants to make Triple H and WWE sick by throwing a wrench into their Wrestlemania plans. He says he could take the title and defend it against Reigns, but he really wants a piece of Lesnar. Kevin Owens interrupts and runs Ambrose down and calls him a broken down man and tries to attack, but Ambrose hits him with a chair. Ambrose challenges Owens to a match.
Usos vs. League Of Nations (w/ Wade Barrett & Alberto Del Rio)
Jey Uso punches Sheamus, but Rusev gets tagged in and send him to the outside of the ring with a dropkick. Sheamus tosses Uso into the barricade and the LON celebrate. We come back to see Jey worked over for several minutes until he DDTs Rusev and makes the tag to Jimmy.
Jimmy gets the Samoan drop and the hip attack on Sheamus, but Rusev breaks up the pin. Rusev is tossed to the outside, where the Uso Crazy takes him out. LON get involved and Jimmy Uso saves his brother. Sheamus gets the knees up on a splash and hits the Brogue Kick for the win.
Winner: League of Nations via pinfall (Brogue Kick)
The Dudley Boyz come out with a table and attack the Usos as the LON watch and clap. Bubba Ray says he lied when he told them to not take it personally.
Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz
Miz lands some early boots, but Ziggler backslides Miz for the win.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler via pinfall
 Goldust is shown eating at catering and R-Truth tries to apologize. Truth says he sees Goldust's vision. Goldust says he's not a play-thing and smashes food in his own face.
Number One Contender's Match
Becky Lynch vs. Sasha Banks
Banks manages a drop toe hold after a few pin attempts, but Becky Lynch gets a couple of arm drags and a top wristlock, which she transitions into an armbar before being punched in the face. Banks scores a springboard armdrag, but the two dropkicks each other and come to a stalemate. Charlotte's music hits, and she andRic Flair come to ringside.
Becky Lynch gets control with a couple of leg lariats and a leg drop, but Sasha runs Lynch down with double knees for two. Sasha applies the Bank Statement, but Lynch is able to get to the ropes. Lynch kicks Sasha, but eats more double knees for a two count.
A pop-up European uppercut almost gets three for Becky Lynch. The two slug it out before a Lynch dropkick sends Sasha outside. A double lariat leaves both women outside the ring as Flair dances and taunts them. Charlotte attacks both women to end the match.
Official Result: Double Disqualification
 Backstage, Charlotte says that neither of the women deserve a title match, but Renee Young has scoop -- that both women will compete against Charlotte in a triple threat match.
New Day comes out and talks about miracles, and says Y2AJ winning was one.
AJ Styles vs. Kofi Kingston (w/ New Day)
Styles quickly gets tired of Xavier Woods and dives outside onto him, but Kofi takes advantage and lays Styles out. We come back to see Kofi working over Styles until Styles hits a back body drop. Styles gets a Ushigoroshi for two, but Kofi gets two on an SOS.
Styles counters the Trouble in Paradise with a Pele Kick, but is sent outside. Xavier gets caught trying to attack and New Day are ejected. Styles hits the flying forearm and gets the win.
Winner: AJ Styles via pinfall (Flying Forearm)
 They announce Brock Lesnar vs. Bray Wyatt for WWE Roadblock. We get a typical Bray Wyatt promo afterwards.
Kevin Owens vs. Dean Ambrose
Ambrose struggles to apply a headlock because he's in so much pain. Owens lands a kick but dips out of the ring as we go to our last commercial. We come back to see Owens controlling Ambrose with a stretch before tossing him over the top rope and landing a senton on the floor. Ambrose follows up by tossing Ambrose into the guard rail.
Owens jaw jacks to Ranallo, then Ambrose clotheslines him on the floor. Ambrose goes back outside with a suicide dive, taking Owens out. Owens recovers and gets a two count off of a vicious Cannonball. Ambrose still gets to his feet and gets Owens with a flying elbow, but only manages a two count.
Owens catches Ambrose on another suicide dive attempt and runs him into the ring apron. Owens starts ripping everything off of the announce table. Ambrose hits a frankensteiner, but walks right into a superkick. Ambrose still gets the Dirty Deeds for the pin.
Winner: Dean Ambrose via pinfall (Dirty Deeds)

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WWE Smackdown results for 3rd March 2016
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