Wednesday 20 January 2016

TNA Impact Wrestling results 19th/1/2016

jeff hardy
Jeff Hardy came out to open the things up. He said he worried about Matt's Title vs Career match up he said Matt is taking too many risks. He call Matt to came out for some discussion. Matt came out and said there is no need to worry He vows to beat Carter at his own game.Tyrus interrupted He wanted to fight Jeff. Jeff takes him up on the challenge.
Jeff Hardy vs. Tyrus
They started up and Tyrus try to control earlier match up but Jeff fought off and dropped  the big man.Jeff made it to the top rope but took a nasty spill.Jeff won this contest when Tyrus fought with referee and referee rung the bell for DQ win for Jeff. Jeff hit a twist of fate on Tyrus afterwards.
Winner: Jeff Hardy
 Abyss and Crazzy Steve attack Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards backstage.
Awesome Kong vs. Gail Kim
Kim vs Awesome Kong started for TNA women title. We saw an interference by Dollhouse and they try to beat the Kim down but here came Beautiful people and made the save and also clear the ring. Kim won with the Eat Defeat to retain the belt. Good match.
Winner: Gail Kim
Beer Money is out next.
Roode and Storm want Eric Young and Bram. But Eli Drake and Jessie Godderz are out instead. Jessie vows to break them both, Storm says he's itching for a fight.
Beer Money vs. Eli Drake and Jessie Godderz
Beer Money controlled the match up by start they did not gave any chance to opponents to fought back they work as team as usual and crowd pops. Roode and Storm won with the DWI. 
Winner:Beer Money
 We see backstage that Jeff Injured his leg again during his match with Tyrus. Matt advise him to take some break.segment end.
 Kurt Angle comes out and thanks the fans. He puts over Galloway and the tremendous match they had on last week's show. Angle wants to know who is next. Lashley appears. Lashley says he respects Angle like crazy and wants the chance to have another great match like they did last year. Angle accepts the challenge.
Mike Bennett with Maria vs. Pepper Parks
Bennett won in a quick squash. Afterwards he cut a promo talking about how he's hear to make miracles.
Winner: Mike Bennett with Maria
Ethan Carter cuts a promo outside of an ambulance. He tells Matt he'll be leaving in it.
Ethan Carter vs Matt Hardy for Heavyweight Title:
 The contest starts up and both guys went on it. A huge match up both guys gave each and every thing they had to win it. Tyrus came out but instead of attacking Matt he hit Carter with a cutter. Whole arena was in shocking situation. Matt hit Carter his finisher afterward and try to pin him but he kicks out somehow. Carer wouldn't quit, even when he got badly cut open, and Matt was determined to win at all costs, even accepting Reby and Tyrus' help. Matt finally got the pin by hitting him with the belt and became the New Heavyweight champion..  Matt took a mic and talk trash about everyone.He bragged about ending Ethan's streak and says he won the title for himself, not the TNA fans. He says the fans aren't important. He called himself "Big Money Matt" and hugs Reby and Tyrus. He smacks Carter around with the chair a few times to cement his heel turn.Crowd boos as it ends.
Winner: Matt Hardy

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