Wednesday 12 November 2014

Dean Ambrose Must Win at Survivor Series vs. Bray Wyatt to Rebuild Momentum

Dean Ambrose’s profile may have taken a tumble over the past month, but WWE can rectify the situation somewhat by scripting the former Shield star to go over Bray Wyatt when the two clash at Survivor Series later this month.

A win—a clean and solid one—is necessary if writers are to rehabilitate Ambrose’s career and give him back his momentum.

Ambrose’s decline over the past few weeks has been notable. He’s still an entertaining act and remains over with the fans, of course, but he’s found himself demoted to the midcard as The Authority storyline and Randy Orton ’s babyface turn have taken prominence.

His current feud with Wyatt has been fine and has shown occasional flashes of greatness—Ambrose’s excellent promo on Monday’s Raw comes to mind—but it’s been rather disappointing.

Ambrose appears to be treading water until he’s back in the main event mix, and Wyatt is hindered by the same problems that have always held him back—his character is stale, and his promos are rather one-dimensional.

The fact that this feud kicked off when Wyatt distracted Ambrose with a Latin-speaking ghost hologram at Hell in a Cell didn’t help matters. This program may have been sabotaged from the start.

Ideally, WWE will script Ambrose to solidly go over in St. Louis and then move on from this feud. Perhaps he can start a new storyline or return to feuding with The Authority (assuming the heel stable is still around following Survivor Series, of course).

Certainly, with Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and Roman Reigns out, the company needs all the babyfaces it can get. To not capitalize on Ambrose’s popularity and charisma would be an extremely unwise decision at a time when the company simply can’t afford any more unwise decisions.

Some could argue that such a move would be a killer blow to Wyatt’s already struggling career. They could say Wyatt is the one who needs to be booked to win at the pay-per-view.

There is some truth to that. His position does seem rather precarious, and it has been for a while.  But let’s be honest. Wyatt’s career won’t recover until he reinvents himself and adds new tools to his stagnant character. A loss at Survivor Series shouldn’t affect him that much. His career is in a troubled place either way.

A victory for the Ambrose, on the other hand, would get his career firmly back on track and emphasize that he is one of WWE’s top babyfaces. It’s the only sensible booking option Vince McMahon and his writers have right now.

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Dean Ambrose Must Win at Survivor Series vs. Bray Wyatt to Rebuild Momentum
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