Tuesday 11 November 2014

Dolph Ziggler the WWE's Next Top Heel?

The past few weeks have shown a push for Dolph Ziggler as the number 2 babyface of the company while other stars like Bryan, Orton, Reigns, and Ambrose are out of the main event picture for the foreseeable future.
Although we adore that Ziggler is finally getting the star treatment he deserves, what will it escalate to once Survivor Series is over? If Team Cena wins, then the praise would fall on John Cena, if they lose however, the blame will go on the team.
And what does Ziggler do next? Float around the Intercontinental title picture until WWE needs another babyface to take a beating? Ziggler is better than that.
With Orton now out of the Authority stable and the lack of real heels on the roster besides Rollins and Stephanie McMahon, now would be a great opportunity for Ziggler to stay on top and be utilized correctly.
To create a great heel turn, the audience must be fully invested in the character ( and what wrestler is the audience fully invested in more than they are in Dolph Ziggler?), that way the turn is more dramatic and generates real heat from the fans who have just been manipulated by the individual for so long only to find out they were just a traitorface.
Ziggler at one point in his career was a top heel of the company, feuding with John Cena and other top faces for titles.
Dolph's best work was as a cocky, overconfident heel who could back it up in the ring, now imagine if he was aligned with the company's most powerful stable?
His opportunities as a heel overshadows his as a babyface and would give him some new character direction.
At Survivor Series, the match is down to four people: Dolph and Cena vs. Rollins and Kane. Cena is the legal man and is taking the beating of his life. Dolph is awaiting the hot tag and ready to open a flurry of offense on The Authority. Once Cena makes enough room to make a tag, Ziggler jumps off the apron and seals his fate. Cena is taken out and Ziggler takes a countout, giving The Authority the win and a new major player on their side.

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Dolph Ziggler the WWE's Next Top Heel?
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