Thursday 13 November 2014

TNA Impact Wrestling Results – Hardy Boys Are Missing, Lashley vs Aries!

Lashley says he’s looking for MVP but Kenny King says he doesn’t know where he’s at, and Lashley gets mad and throws a trash can at a wall backstage.
James Storm comes to the ring ring Sanada and Manik, and he says he made an offer to Davey Richards, and he wants his answer right now. The Wolves come to the ring and Eddie says Storm needs to learn that the answer is… Davey takes the mic and says he can speak for himself. Davey says he listened to Storm and a lot makes sense, but he has one conclusion, and Storm is out of his mind. Davey says he’s a Wolf and his answer is no, but Storm says he’s sorry to hear that and calls Manik and Sanada to attack them both. Storm chokes Davey with a bullrope and ties his leg up, then he smashes Davey’s leg with a chair before security separates them. Storm reenters the ring with a briefcase and smashes Eddie in the head with it, then he hits Davey in the leg a few times, and says he’s cashing in his Feast or Fired title shot now. 
TNA Tag Team Championship
James Storm & ??? vs The Wolves 
Storm goes for the easy cover but Davey kicks out, then he hits Eddie with Eye of the Storm before telling Eddie he should have stayed out of this. Abyss’ music cues up and he walks to the ring, but Storm introduces him as the newest ‘pledge’ of the Revolution, and tags him in. Abyss chokeslams Eddie, then he hits him with a Black Hole Slam and Storm tags himself back in and makes the cover.
Winners and NEW TNA Tag Team Champions – James Storm & Abyss 

Madison jumps Taryn at the bell and hits her with some forearms, then Taryn hits her right back and follows with a dropkick. Taryn smashes her head on the mat several times, then Madison rolls outside but Taryn splashes her from the apron. Taryn pulls her hair and throws her back in the ring, and Madison tries to beg her off before trying to kick Taryn, but Taryn blocks it and clotheslines her. She heads up top but Madison sweeps her and slams her on the mat, then she knees Taryn in the face and gets a two count pin attempt. 
Madison heads up top but Taryn catches her with a dropkick, then she lands a few clotheslines and takes her down with a snapmare. Taryn refuses to make a cover and slams Madison’s head on the mat a few times, then Madison kicks her in the face and tries to use the ropes for leverage. The referee catches her and Taryn hits a release bridge suplex, then she heads up top but misses a crossbody block. Madison taunts the crowd before going for a rollup, and she hooks the tights but she once again gets caught and the pin count is stopped. Madison clotheslines Taryn and calls for a Rayne Check, but Taryn counters and hits a diving cutter for the win. 
Winner – Taryn Terrell 
Bobby Lashley asks Kurt Angle where Bobby Roode is, but Kurt says Roode is out doing promotional work and he has the night off. Lashley gets in his face and Kurt says he shouldn’t do that, but Lashley says he will get what he wants, when he wants. 
Kenny King comes out and talks about how Lashley is pissed at several people, and he will get his title back soon enough, but he came to talk about other business. He calls Chris Melendez to the ring and says the people are wrong and he does love America, but he doesn’t like Melendez. King calls him a fraud but Ken Anderson (who enters with Melendez) defends Melendez and calls him a hero. King tells Anderson to shut up because he wasn’t talking to him, and he says he will give Melendez a fair shot in a one-on-one match. King says Melendez doesn’t belong in the ring with him, but Melendez says he has plenty of people who believe in him and he will prove he belongs. King says that’s cute that Melendez has Anderson as a role model, but he learned role models don’t exist, and he sucker punches Anderson and runs away. 
Handicap Elimination MatchThe Menagerie vs BroMans & The Beautiful People
Rebel snapmares Angelina and goes for a legdrop, but Angelina avoids it and knocks her down before hitting her with a forearm shot. Angelina taunts Steve so Steve smacks her butt, and Angelina yells at him before Rebel catches her with a schoolboy off the distraction for the first fall. Knux cartwheels past Jessie and dropkicks him, then he gets caught with a quick rollup before Steve runs right in and rolls Zema up. Rebel knees Velvet in the head and goes for a sunset flip, then they trade forearms before Velvet throws her into the corner.
Velvet distracts the ref and Angelina comes back and uses hair spray to blind Rebel, and Velvet pulls her back and hits In Yo Face for the next fall. Jessie press slams Steve and Velvet kicks him in the stomach, then she goes for a pin but Steve rolls back and makes out with her, also getting the shoulder down for the fall. Jessie tries to powerbomb Steve but it’s reversed, and Steve goes for a hurricanrana but Jessie blocks and deadlifts him for a powerbomb. Jessie makes a showboat cover before stomping Steve, then he sets up on the turnbuckles but Steve shoves him and hits a tornado DDT for the win. 
Winners – The Menagerie
Eric Young (w/ Rockstar Spud) vs Tyrus (w/ EC3)
Tyrus hits Eric a few times and splashes him, then Eric elbows him but Tyrus whips him in the corner and connects with a heart punch. Eric falls on the floor and Spud yells at Ethan to stay back, then Tyrus applies a nerve hold and hits an exploder suplex. He splashes Eric and hits an over-the-shoulder cutter, then he goes for another splash but Eric connects with some elbows and a scoop slam. Eric heads up top as Ethan tries to get involved, but Spud decks him to prevent it, and Eric headbutts Tyrus and shoves him, hitting an elbow drop for the win. 
Winner – Eric Young 
Bobby Lashley comes out and spears Eric, then Spud runs at him but Lashley chokeslams him before he gets a chair and stomps Eric’s arm. Lashley wraps Eric’s arm in the chair and stomps it, then he puts him in a Crossface before Austin Aries runs out and makes the save. Aries says if he wants to send a message, he can stop attacking people from behind, and he’ll give him a chance to do it to his face. Aries says he’s pissed off, but Lashley backs away and says he’s on for tonight. 
Samoa Joe comes out and says sometimes hard decisions are the right ones, and he was told he’s not medically cleared to compete tonight. He says he was actually told he’s not cleared for quite some time, and he is the champion of the best division, the one about no limits and the one for the true fan. Joe says he can’t shy away from this, but he needs to vacate the X Division championship, and puts it in the ring ropes. Joe says he knows there will be a tournament for a new champion, but it’s not their title, it’s his, and he’s coming back for whoever it wearing it.
 Samuel Shaw (w/ Brittany) vs Gunner 
Shaw runs at Gunner and hits him a few times, then he whips him into the ringpost and gets a chair. Gunner ducks and Shaw hits the post, then Gunner hits a fallaway slam and Brittany checks on her man. Gunner chases her away and throws Shaw in the ring, then he yells at Brittany and Shaw dropkicks a chair into him. Gunner sends him back outside and he hits Shaw with a chair, then Brittany screams at him before Shaw throws Gunner headfirst into the steps. He rolls Gunner in and heads up top, going for a boot but Gunner catches him midair and hits a side slam.
Gunner hits him with a chair and piles a few chairs in the corner, then he superplexes Shaw on them and pulls him to the ring apron. Gunner powerbombs Shaw on them and tells Brittany this is what they get, then he calls Shaw a piece of crap and throws him in the ring. Brittany gets in his way and hits Gunner with a low blow, then she tries to pull Shaw onto him to make the cover. Gunner is able to get her out of the ring, then Shaw hits him in the back with a chair and tries to choke him out, but Gunner hits Hanger 18 on the chair pile for the win. 
Winner – Gunner 

Austin Aries vs Bobby Lashley 
Aries throws his shirt at Lashley and dropkicks him, then he goes right for a Brainbuster but Lashley sends him into the corner and charges him. Aries sidesteps and applies Last Chancery, then Lashley breaks it and whips him outside, but Aries jumps and kicks him in the face. He tries to slingshot at Lashley but gets caught, and Lashley runs towards the ringpost but Aries floats over and shoves him into the post. Aries dropkicks him into the barricade, then he heads up top but Lashley sidesteps a missile dropkick and follows with an elbow.
Lashley stomps him in the corner and hits a clothesline as we go to a break, then we get back to see Lashley hit several belly-to-belly suplexes. Aries blocks a superplex and bites Lashley, then he connects with a missile dropkick and a discus forearm. Aries goes for a Brainbuster but Lashley blocks, and he backdrops Aries on the apron but Aries comes right back with some forearm shots. He connects with another discus forearm, then he hits a neckbreaker on the ropes and follows with a suicide dive. Aries rolls Lashley in and heads up top, but Lashley launches him facefirst into the ring steps, and press slams him on the ramp as the ref calls for the bell. Lashley puts Aries in a Crossface as the ref tries to pull him away, then security comes out and Lashley chases them off before taunting the crowd. 
Result – Double Countout

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TNA Impact Wrestling Results – Hardy Boys Are Missing, Lashley vs Aries!
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