Sunday 14 December 2014

WWE TLC 2014 Complete Results , New Intercontinental Champion , Cena Got Rollins

bray wyat vs dean ambrose
Ladder Match
Intercontinental ChampionshipDolph Ziggler vs Luke Harper (c)
 Harper hits Dolph a few times and throws him outside, then he hits him in the face with the ladder and kicks him on the apron. Harper hits a spinning side slam on the floor, then he whips him into it and throws him outside. Dolph picks up a ladder but Harper dives through the ropes and tackles him, but Harper gets the worst of it and Dolph tries to set a ladder up. Harper cuts him off and and whips him into a ladder, then he sets a few up in the corners and sets up for a powerbomb. Dolph floats over and dropkicks him, then he goes for a Famouser but Harper blocks it and powerbombs him onto a ladder. Harper slams him facefirst into another ladder and Dolph is busted open, then doctors try to check on him as Harper climbs a ladder.
Dolph runs in and slugs it out, then they both knock each other down before Harper sets up another powerbomb. Dolph blocks and slams him down on the mat, then he climbs a ladder but Harper but grabs him, so Dolph swings around and drops him with a DDT. Harper grabs a ladder but Dolph kicks it into his face, then he whips one at Harper and knocks him back onto a ladder on the floor. Dolph goes up the ladder again but Harper tips it over, then Dolph tries to set another one up in the corner but Harper tips that one over. Dolph jumps onto the ladder in the middle of the ring and climbs for the title, but Harper kicks him and sets up another ladder next to him, but Dolph knocks him down with a superkick and takes the title. 
Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion – Dolph Ziggler 

Tag Team Championship
The Usos vs Damien Sandow & The Miz (c) 
Jey applies a wristlock before Jimmy tags in, and Miz runs for it but Jimmy catches him and chops him a few times. Jey assists with a double suplex, then Miz takes a cheap shot and mocks him before Sandow calls for the tag. Jey gets a near fall rollup before Miz slams him down, then he applies a side headlock before Jey connects with an enziguiri. Jey connects with a running splash in the corner, then Miz goes for a Figure Four but Jey blocks and rolls through into a single leg crab. Miz makes it to the ropes and and sets up a Skull Crushing Finale, but Jey blocks and superkicks him before he heads up top. Miz rolls outside and tries to leave with the titles, but Jey splashes Sandow and Miz hits him in the head with a Slammy. 
Winners (by disqualification) – The Usos 

 Stairs Match
Big Show vs Erick Rowan 
Show heads outside and slams Rowan on the floor, then he whips him into the steps and before Rowan hits him in the head with them. Rowan stacks a bunch of stairs in front of the ramp, then Show kicks him and whips him into the ringpost before he puts a set of steps on the commentary table. Rowan hits him a few times but Show whips him into the steps in the corner, then Show wedges some steps in the corner before smashing Rowan’s head into it.
Show rolls Rowan inside but Rowan slams him back first on some steps, then he takes the stairs from the corner and climbs the turnbuckles. Rowan goes to slam them on Show’s head but Show rolls away, and Rowan goes into them ribs first and rolls outside. Show heads outside and shoulder tackles Rowan into the wall of stairs, then he picks another set up but Rowan kicks them into his head. Show comes back with a chokeslam onto a set of steps, then he connects with a Knockout punch and uses the steps to pin Rowan’s shoulders down. 
Winner – Erick Rowan 

Tables Match
Seth Rollins vs John Cena 
Cena and Rollins talk trash before Mercury and Noble cause a distraction, then Rollins takes a cheap shot before Cena flips him on his back. Cena gets a table and brings it inside, but Rollins hits him from behind and and sets up for a table spot. Cena tries to powerbomb him into the corner but Mercury and Noble move the table, then Rollins slams him into the corner and hits him a few times. Rollins whips him but Cena hits a side slam, then he goes for a Five Knuckle Shuffle but Mercury and Noble interfere again. Cena chases them up the ramp and comes back with a piece of the barricade, and hits Mercury, Noble and Rollins in the head with it. Cena slams Noble on the floor before Mercury and Rollins attack him, then Rollins hits him near the barricade and starts setting up some tables. Rollins tries to suplex him from the apron through the tables, but Cena reverses and hits a suplex before he backdrops Rollins onto the floor.
Rollins hits him with the briefcase and sets another table up, then he taunts Cena and Cena picks him up and sets up for an Attitude Adjustment. Rollins grabs the ropes and Cena pulls him back, accidentally hitting the ref and knocking him outside, then Cena throws Rollins up but Rollins floats over the table and lands on his feet. Rollins slams him on the table and goes for a Curb Stomp off the turnbuckles, but Cena avoids it and hits an AA through the table. The ref is still knocked out so Mercury and Noble run back in and attack Cena, then they get rid of the broken table and set up for a triple powerbomb on another one. Cena throws some punches and breaks free, throwing Rollins outside before he picks both Mercury and Noble up and hits a double AA through the table.
Rollins runs back in and tries to slam him through a table on the floor, but Cena blocks it and they fight on the apron before both men crash through the table at the same time. A group of referees come out to review what happened, and one ref raises Cena’s hand, but the other raises Cena’s. The third ref says there’s no decision, and tells Lilian Garcia they are restarting the match. Rollins immediately splashes Cena and takes the commentary table apart, then he Cena tries to slam Rollins through a table but it doesn’t break. Cena goes for it again but Rollins avoids it, then Big Show comes out and attacks Cena before Roman Reigns makes his return and unloads on Show with some punches. He hits a Superman punch and a spear, then he knocks Rollins out before Cena puts him through a table with an Attitude Adjustment. 
Winner – John Cena 

ivas Championship
AJ Lee vs Nikki Bella (c) (w/ Brie Bella)
Nikki showboats early and AJ goes after her, then Nikki stomps her in the corner and stretches her around the ringpost. Nikki hits her a few times before AJ applies a front facelock, and she goes for the Black Widow but Nikki slams her into the turnbuckles to block it. AJ charges her but Nikki connects with a clothesline, then she sends her to the corner but AJ comes back with a tornado DDT for two. Nikki catches AJ with a springboard enziguiri for two, then she lifts AJ for a reverse facebuster but AJ counters with a bulldog. AJ hits the Shining Wizard but brie puts Nikki’s foot on the ropes, and the ref catches her and throws her out of the match. Brie argues with him and Nikki sprays something in AJ’s eyes behind his back, then she hides the evidence and hits Rack Attack for the win. 
Winner – Nikki Bella 

Chairs MatchRyback vs Kane
Kane hits Ryback and whips him, but Ryback fires right back with a clothesline before Kane throws some punches. Ryback whips him into a chair in the corner, then he hits a Thesz press and follows with a powerslam. Ryback hits Kane with a chair and heads up top, but Kane gets his knees up and slams the chair into Ryback’s ribs. Kane hits Ryback a few times and hits Snake Eyes into a chair on the turnbuckles, then he hits him a few more times with a chair before calling for a chokeslam. Ryback blocks it and Kane kicks him in the face, then he follows with a corner clothesline. Ryback comes back with a belly-to-belly throw, then he grabs a chair but Kane kicks it into his face and hits him a few more times with it. Ryback comes back with a slam before he repeatedly beats Kane with the chair, then he charges for a Meathook but Kane punches a chair into his face and chokeslams him for two. Kane tries to lift him back up but Ryback punches him and hits a Meathook, then he ends it with Shell Shocked for the win. 
Winner – Ryback 

United States Championship
Jack Swagger vs Rusev (c) (w/ Lana) 
Swagger cuts Lana’s promo off and goes right after Rusev, and he slams him down and goes for a Patriot Lock. Rusev blocks it and puts him in the Accolade, and Swagger tries to get to the ropes but Rusev eventually gets him to start fading. The ref checks on him but Swagger comes back and fights out of the hold, rolling into the Patriot Lock before Rusev is able to break it. Rusev kicks him in the face and Swagger is slow to get up, but he beats the ref’s count of nine, so Rusev kicks him again and makes him pass out in the Accolade. 
Winner – Rusev 

Tables, Ladders and Chairs MatchDean Ambrose vs Bray Wyatt 
Ambrose and Wyatt go right at it, then they fight into the crowd and Ambrose hits him several times and whips him towards the preshow set up. Ambrose runs and leaps off the preshow broadcast table, tackling Bray before he throws him back over the barricade. Bray gets some chairs and Ambrose gets a table, then he also gets some kendo sticks and Bray almost dares him to take a swing. Bray dives for a chair but Ambrose cracks him with the kendo stick, then he hits him a few more times and uses it to hit a side Russian legsweep. Ambrose heads up top and Bray shoves him through a table on the floor, then Bray brings him back in and they trade punches before Bray whips him face first into a kendo stick that cuts Ambrose’s eye open. Bray chokes Ambrose with a kendo stick and punches him a few times, then Bray whips him at a ladder but Ambrose reverses and slams his head into it before following with a bulldog. Ambrose heads up top and legdrops Bray onto a chair, then he drags him out to the ramp and they slug it out by some tables and ladders. Ambrose throws Bray on a table and climbs a ladder, hitting an elbow drop through it and Bray screams out in pain as the ref checks on him. Ambrose smiles and picks Bray back up, then he throws him on another table and climbs another ladder, hitting a second elbow drop through the table. He drags Wyatt back to the ring and Wyatt catches him with Sister Abigail for a close near fall, then he goes for a second but Ambrose gets a rollup before slamming him into a ladder. Ambrose turns and hits Dirty Deeds for two, then he gets some more weapons from under the ring and watches a flat screen TV of the live broadcast. Ambrose notices something as the camera pans back across the ramp, and he goes and gets a really tall ladder and brings it to ringside. Bray hits Ambrose from behind and tries to slam a chair on the stairs into his throat, but Ambrose blocks it and hits Bray in the throat before throwing him on the broadcast table. Ambrose climbs the big ladder and elbow drops Bray through it, then he is slow to his feet but rolls Bray in and tries to smash the flat screen TV in his face. Ambrose stops short when the cables to the TV snap back, then Ambrose tries again but the cables spark and the screen blows up in his face, and Bray uses the distraction to hit Sister Abigail for the win. 
Winner – Bray Wyatt 

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WWE TLC 2014 Complete Results , New Intercontinental Champion , Cena Got Rollins
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