Four-Way Elimination Match
Aerostar vs. Argenis vs. Angelico vs. Cage
Aerostar vs. Argenis vs. Angelico vs. Cage
All three go after Cage and get dropped twice, but go back to the beat down with kicks that send him outside.
Argenis kicks Angelico right in the ass before a headscissors sends Angelico outside. Aerostar hits a springboard huracanrana, but gets caught in a backdrop by Argenis.
Cage comes in and clotheslines Angelico, superplexes Argeis, Jackhammers Aerostar, and hits Angelico with a rack neckbreaker. He's bounced to the outside and Argenis hits a springboard moonsault.
Aerostar hits a springboard dive and Angelico flips over the top rope onto the pile as the crowd goes nuts. Angelico hits a big dropkick on Aerostar, but gets caught by an Argenis spinebuster. Cage comes in and slams Argenis face first after a pumphandle to eliminate him. He then eliminates Aerostar with a discus clothesline. Another one puts Angelico out.
Winner: Cage via pinfall (discus clothesline)
- Chavo Guerrero is in the ring apologizing for attacking Blue Demon Jr months ago. Demon is in a blue dress shirt. Chavo's apology is phony, and he calls Demon a fraud. Chavo tries to blast Demon with brass knuckles, but gets the boots put to him. Demon hits a weak landing chair shot.
King Cuerno vs. Drago
Drago hits a frankensteiner for a quick two count, but Cuerno dropkicks Drago to the outside and flips over the top rope. Cuerno sets up a table outside the ring but gets dropkicked off the apron. Drago flies over the top rope with a 360 spinning body press.
Cuerno grabs a chair, but misses and gets dropped on to the table. Drago goes to the top of Cueto's office and lands a splash through the table!!! Both men are counted out.
Result: Double countout
A Fenix vignette airs.
Lucha Underground World Championship
Prince Puma (c) vs. Fenix
Prince Puma (c) vs. Fenix
The two trade arm drag and headscissor attempts but avoid each other. Both try dives to the outside but get kicked to cut them off. Puma finally unloads with a beautiful flip to the outside, Fenix answers with one of his own.
Drago kicks Prince Puma in the spine, but only gets two. Puma fights back with a spin kick and an axe kick as Vampiro compares all of the moves to his WCW days.
Puma with a snapmare and a kick to the spine, followed by a standing moonsault for two. Puma locks on a bow and arrow submission before slamming Fenix face first, then rolling him up for two.
Fenix hits a kick to Puma's head and then the handspring cutter for two! Puma lands the SOS kick, then a fireman's carry into a kick and a standing star press for two!
Puma catches Fenix and hits a northern lights suplex, followed by a vertical suplex for two. Puma misses on a moonsault attempt and gets German suplexed for his troubles. Fenix holds on to a half nelson but Puma kicks out. A 450 can't put Puma away either.
Puma fights back with a seated Tombstone, and goes up to the top rope. Fenix stops him with a palm strike and goes to the opposite rope. For some reason Fenix rope walks and gets kicked. Puma scores on the 630 and wins!
Winner: Prince Puma via pinfall (630) to retain the Lucha Undergound World Championship
After the match Cage hits the ring and attacks Puma, leaving him laying.
Lucha Underground Results (1/14) Prince Puma Retains,Brian Cage