Wednesday 28 January 2015

Lucha Underground Results (1/28): World Title Match, Cage in Action

Also, it's worth noting that Dish Network added El Rey this week, so for those of you with Dish, check it out. Dario Cueto is backstage talking to Cage, and he informs him that he'll get a title match against Prince Puma tonight.
Mil Muertes (w/ Katrina) vs. Fenix
Fenix starts out with chops and kneees that don't really affect Muertes, who returns fire with a giant right hand to the face and a belly to belly suplex. Muertes follows with a DDT, but only gets two. Muertes continues to toss Fenix around the ring with suplexes before spearing him. Fenix somehow kicks out as a "Let's go Fenix/Fenix sucks" chant starts.
Muertes hits a big superplex from the top, but Fenix takes advantage of the bout with an inside cradle and gets the win!
Winner: Fenix via pinfall (inside cradle)
- A vignette for Cage airs.
Super Fly, Argenis, & Aerostar vs. The Crew
Super Fly takes advantage quickly with an early dive, causing Cisco to tag out. Cortez doesn't do much better and is hit with a slingshot armdrag. Bael gets a tag, but is met by Argenis, who kicks him square in the pants.
Aerostar is tagged in and hits an insane springboard tilt-a-whirl headscissors. Argenis and Aerostar hit an even more insane second rope assisted body press, but it only gets two.
The Crew fights back and hits a great series of boots, really stiff ones. They work the faces over for a while before Aerostar hits a big back elbow and tags Argenis.
Argenis and Cortez go at it until Argenis hits a head scissors to him, a super kick to Bael and a sunset bomb to Castro for two. The Crew come back with a catapult/kick/kneedrop combo for two.
Dive after dive leads to a frankensteiner to the outside that leaves all the competitors on the ground. Back inside Aerostar eats the flapjack/codebreaker for the pin. Very good match.
Winners: The Crew (Flapjack/Codebreaker)
Vampiro interviews Prince Puma and Konnan, but mainly just Konnan. Vampiro asks Puma to speak for himself. Instead, Puma has to get in between Vampiro and Konnan.

Lucha Underground World Championship
Prince Puma (c) (w/ Konnan) vs. Cage
Puma attacks Cage up the ramp, but Cage reverses things with hard Irish whips into the buckles. A huge back body drop from Cage gets a two count, but he applies a half nelson and hits a big neckbreaker.
Puma tries to battle back, but Cage counters with a sitout Alabama Slam that gets a two count. Cage sets up for a powerslam that Puma turns into a DDT. He hits double knees off of a springboard, but can't get the three count.
In an impressive spot, Cage catches a flying Puma off the top in a vertical suplex position and Jackhammers him for two before hitting a second rope moonsault to a similar result.
A Cage spinebuster and powerbomb get countered by a big dropkick to the face by Puma. Cage hits an F5, and Puma kicks out. The crowd is going crazy.
Puma battles back with three straight big kicks and a northern lights suplex, but only gets two. He goes up top, but Cage pushes the ref into the ropes and knocks him down. Cage then lands a low blow for the DQ.
Winner: Puma via DQ to retain the Lucha Underground World Championship
Cage attacks Puma and the ref after the match, but Konnan breaks a cane over his back. Cage blasts Konnan with the championship, before ripping it in half.

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Lucha Underground Results (1/28): World Title Match, Cage in Action
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