Wednesday 28 January 2015

WWE NXT Results: New Tag Champs, Heavyweight Title Match Set

buddy & wasley new tag team championPlease spread word of our viewing party and complete results via Facebook and Twitter.
Blake and Murphy hit the ramp right out of the gate followed by the Lucha Dragons
Buddy Murphy and Wesley Blake vs. Lucha Dragons for the NXT tag titles
Sin Cara starts off against Blake. Blake tries a move off the ropes and Sin Cara tosses him. Blake grabs a hold of Sin Cara's mask and works him into the corner and gets a tag on Murphy. Murphy hits Sin Cara with some powerful moves and covers for a near-fall. Blake comes back in next and keeps Sin Cara on the mat for a lengthy spate. As much as Blake and Murphy are underdogs, they're clearly heeling it up. Sin Cara comes back and hits a nice powerbomb to slow down Blake. Both guys hit a tag at the same time. Kalisto ends up getting on top of Murphy and showing a lot of aerobatics and footwork.. He gets a near fall and Sin Cara comes in to block Blake from interfering. Kalisto gets confused and hits the SDS but on the wrong guy, as Blake just managed to hit a blind tag on Murphy before the move. Blake comes in and cracks Kalisto good to put him down for the count. He covers for the pinfall and we have new champs!
Result: Buddy Murphy and Wesley Blake defeat Lucha Dragons via pinfall to win the NXT tag titles
After a recap of Regal booking the NXT women's title for a fatal four-way at NXT takeover, we see Bailey getting ready backstage. Charlotte comes in and says she'll destroy Bayley if she ever ambushes her again. Bayley says she won't apologize but they can co-exist in their tag match tonight. Charlotte tells Bayley to watch her step from here on out. We also get a backstage thingy by Tyler Breeze and head back to the ring.
Adrian Neville vs. Tyson Kidd (#1 Contender's Tournament)
The guys get into it slowly and the initial battle is pretty balanced. After they break, the competitors circle the ring and lock up again. Neville puts Kidd on the mat but Kidd works his way out and Neville contemplates his next move. Kidd strikes next and puts Neville on the defensive. Kidd gets too confident, though, and Neville turns things around. Kidd bails when Neville starts getting fired up. When he eventually returns to the ring, He bails twice more, prompting Neville to chase him outside. Kidd puts Adrian into the guardrail and then into the steel steps as the ref starts the count. Neville makes it back into the ring and we get a short break.
When we get back to the show, Tyson is still firmly in control. He gets a near-fall after landing a big dropkick and then stomps Neville all over the mat. Kidd gets dumped outside by Neville and then Adrian follows up with a dive outside. They both recover and end up face to face in the ring. After trading shots, Neville hits a standing moonsault but Kidd kicks out of the cover that follows. Both guys deliver some dazzling moves and wear each other out. Kidd knocks Neville out of the ring again and tosses him back in but can't seal the deal with a three-count. He teases the sharpshooter and Neville kicks out of it. Neville finishes it by going up top for a corkscrew splash. The pinfall is academic. Great match.
Result: Adrian Neville advances after winning via pinfall.
Becky Lynch and Sasha banks are interviewed backstage and Sasha says Becky will do the right thing at Takeover. After Sasha leaves, Becky says that the "right thing" will be for her to win the title for herself. Blake and Murphy talk briefly backstage. They're stoked about winning the straps.

Charlotte and Bayley vs. Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch
Bayley and Sasha kick things off. The crowd is all about Bayley right now. Sasha puts Bayley down quickly and Bayley roars back, putting The Boss on the mat a couple of times. Banks tries for a tag and Bayley keeps her out of the corner. Charlotte tags in and basically lets Sasha tag in Becky. She doesn't care who he's facing. Bayley tags in next and dominates Lynch, sending Becky outside. When they get back in the ring, Sasha grabs Bayley from the apron and does some damage. Becky capitalizes and gets control of her opponent. Sasha tags in and they double-team Bayley but she still manages to kick out from Sasha's cover. Banks works Bayley's knee. Becky tags back in and keeps it up until bayley hits a suplex and tags in Charlotte. Charlotte takes apart Sasha who tagged in on the fly. She applies the figure four but Becky breaks it up. Sasha gets on top of Charlotte and Bayley tries to help but inadvertently hits her teammate. Charlotte and Becky end up in a scrum and Sasha and Becky try to get involved in the melee. The bell rings for a no-finish.
Result: No-finish
Finn Balor talk backstage about his match upcoming tourney match against Hideo Itami. He says he always knew it would come to this. Hideo interferes and says that he brought Balor into NXT and if he has to, he'll take Balor out. Damn!
After a short break, we learn that Emma is returning to NXT next week. She doesn't seem too happy about it, either.
Baron Corbin vs. Bull Dempsey (#1 Contender's Tournament)
Corbin is aggressive right off the bell. Dempsey retreats outside and Bull gets the jump on him as they crawl back into the ring. Corbin still keeps up the offense, attacking Bull from all angles. He hits a huge slam on Bull to bring about a very fast finish. Geez.
Result: Baron Corbin advances after defeating Bull Dempsey via pinfall

After the match, Corbin says he's going to take out Neville next. Bull Dempsey comes in and tells Corbin he just got lucky. Twice. Corbin pushes him aside to stop the jaw-jacking.
William Regal introduces Sami Zayn first and then Kevin Owens for the contract signing. Regal says he's not going to let things get out of hand and he tells the men that if either of them starts a fight tonight, he'll cancel the match. Zayn signs first and then takes a mic. He talks about the last 12 years of their lives before WWE and says everything has led up to this moment. Owens picks up his mic, points to the contract and notes that it's for a non-title match. He says he fights for a prize and until the contract is for a title match, he won't sign. Regal tries to explain his position to Owens and Zayn interrupts, saying he'll give him the title shot. The crowd agrees. And then Regal agrees. The deed is done. Owens flips his pen and Sami's face before stepping out .

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WWE NXT Results: New Tag Champs, Heavyweight Title Match Set
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