Thursday 8 January 2015

TNA Impact Wrestling Results for 7 January , Destination America Debut,Hardy Boys are Missing

austin ariesWe open the show with a hype video showing several stars arriving to the building, then they all brawl after MVP says there’s no time to waste making a statement. They all fight into the arena and into the crowd, then security tries to break it up but they keep going as Kurt Angle makes his way out. Kurt screams at security and says they are in New York City, and this is Impact Wrestling, so if they want the fight to continue, they’ve got it. He calls for Low Ki, the X Division Champion, and says he will defend his title, as well as Knockouts Champion Taryn Terrell and Tag Team Champions James Storm and Abyss.
Kurt puts all champions on notice and says he expects Roode vs Lashley to be match of the year, and he has one more announcement but MVP cuts him off. MVP taunts him and says 1996 Kurt was an athlete and a wrestler, but now Kurt wears a suit and he’s washed up, so if he’s going to step down from his position, he’s in trouble. Kurt says he did resign, but he also activated himself as a wrestler, and his last match he’s allowed to make is a street fight against MVP now!
Street FightMVP vs Kurt Angle 
MVP tries to back out but Kurt decks him as we go to a break, then we get back to see MVP kick Kurt in the face before he clotheslines him. Kurt comes back with three German suplexes and goes for an Angle Slam, but MVP kicks his knees and rolls through into a leg submission. MVP hits him with a chair and goes for a powerbomb, but Kurt rolls through into an ankle lock before MVP rolls under and locks in a side choke. Kurt throws several punches and goes back to an ankle lock, but MVP steps over and whips Kurt into the turnbuckles. MVP goes for a Drive By, but Kurt sidesteps and hits an Angle Slam for the win, but MVP looks to have gotten his shoulder up and debates the decision. 
Winner – Kurt Angle

MVP finds Kenny King and screams at him backstage for not being there, and King says he was with the girls backstage. MVP says he doesn’t care and King should have been there, because he had to face Kurt alone. King says he didn’t know, and Kurt only had one leg, but MVP says that’s over and Kurt is dangerous regardless. MVP says he needs to go find Lashley, and he might need to remind him why he was champion in the first place. 
Ethan Carter III tells the cameras that he is upset they haven’t featured him yet, and he was just talking about resolutions with Tyrus. He says he’s coming after Rockstar Spud, and Tyrus holds up some hair clippers and a piece of Spud’s hair, and Ethan says he’s taking the whole thing tonight. 
TNA Tag Team Championship
The Wolves vs James Storm & Abyss (w/ The Revolution) (c)
 The Hardys walk to the ramp before the match can begin, and The Wolves start things off with suicide dives to Storm and Abyss on the floor. The Wolves run back and forth and hit THREE more suicide dives into the barricade, then Davey connects with a diving forearm before Eddie sets up a powerbomb. Abyss pulls Davey outside and chokeslams him on the apron, then Storm hits Eddie and whips him in the corner. He charges the corner but and gets caught with an elbow, then Eddie connects with some clotheslines before Abyss hits him in the back. Eddie comes back with an enziguiri, then Storm tries to head up top but Eddie kicks him and hits a backpack stunner for two.
Abyss goes for a double chokeslam but both Wolves float over and superkick him, then Storm misses a Bronco Buster and Eddie hits a backbreaker off the ropes. He hangs Storm up and Davey hits a double stomp for two, then Manik causes a distraction and Storm hits a DDT for two. Davey tries to connect with a handspring back elbow but Abyss counters with Shock Treatment, then Sanada and Manik try to get involved but Matt and Jeff run in and connect with a Side Effect and Twist of Fate. Abyss throws Matt out of the ring and Jeff tries to stop Abyss from swinging a cowbell, but Abyss lets it go and Jeff inadvertently hits Eddie with it, and Storm superkicks him for the win. 
Winners – James Storm & Abyss

MVP finds Lashley in his locker room and runs him down for not helping him earlier, and MVP says Kurt Angle and the rest of TNA don’t care about him. MVP says he took Lashley farther than anyone, and there would be no title runs or MMA career without him. He screams and says he runs this group, then Lashley finally has enough and shoves MVP into a wall, and says this is about him, not MVP. Lashley says this is about getting his title back, then King tries to get involved but quickly backs away, and MVP finally leaves and sarcastically says good luck. 
Jeremy Borash is shown in the ring talking about how he’s been there since day one, then Ethan Carter III cuts him off and says it’s time for important business. Ethan taunts the crowd and mocks JB, then he says he promised Rockstar Spud he would take him apart piece by piece, so Spud should come get what’s coming. Spud is thrown down the ramp by Tyrus, then Spud slaps him a few times but Tyrus shakes it off and scoop slams him on the ramp. Tyrus throws him in the ring and Ethan says he will finish taking all of Spud’s hair, and chants for a scalping until JB stands in the way. Ethan screams at him to stand down, but JB ends up slapping the hell out of him, and Tyrus whips him in the corner. Tyrus splashes him and Ethan says there’s a change of plans, then Ethan shaves JB’s head as Spud is held back and screams. 

X Division Championship
Austin Aries vs Low Ki (c) 
Aries armdrags Ki after they tie up, then they trade chops before Ki kicks him on the apron and Aries hits a suicide dive. Aries connects with a missile dropkick, then Ki hits an IED and calls for a Brainbuster, but Ki counters with Bite of the Dragon. He locks it in but Aries gets to the ropes, so Ki takes him up top but Aries boxes his ears and knocks him back before hitting a Brainbuster for the win. 
Winner and NEW X Division Champion – Austin Aries

Knockouts Championship Battle Royal
DJ Z walks down with Jessie during The Beautiful People’s entrance, and he hypes up the return of Robbie E! Robbie comes back to a pop and he says he didn’t win a million dollars, but he still looks like it, and it’s not his fault, it’s his ex-girlfriend’s. Robbie calls Brooke a loser, then Taryn makes her entrance to cut him off and the bell finally rings. Angelina kicks Rebel right in the face, then Taryn kicks Angelina as Madison tries to chop Havok. She runs at her but Havok sends her to the apron, and Madison lands on her feet and waves, but Havok punches her in the back to eliminate her.
Gail hits Eat Defeat before Jessie taunts Taryn on the apron, then Angelina tries to attack her but Taryn flips her over the ropes and clotheslines her for the elimination. Gail and Taryn gang up on Havok in the corner, then Havok shoves them back slams them into the turnbuckles. Havok takes control and hits them a few times before she tries to choke Gail and shove her over the ropes. Gail ties her up and tries to use a hurricanrana to take Havok over the ropes, but Taryn runs over and dumps both of them outside to retain. 
Winner – Taryn Terrell 
Havok runs in and attacks Taryn from behind, then she lifts Taryn and chokes her before kicking her in the ribs a few times. Havok hits a spinesbuster as the lights go out, then they come back on and we see Awesome Kong standing in the ring! Kong gets right in Havok’s face as the crowd chants ‘holy shit’, then a group of referees get in between them and Havok ends up leaving. One of the refs screams at Kong to leave and she doesn’t like it, so she ends up chokeslamming him and playing up to crowd. 

TNA World Heavyweight ChampionshipBobby Lashley vs Bobby Roode (c) 
Lashley and Roode start slugging it out before Lashley slams him down, then he takes Roode outside and hits him in the back. Roode comes back with some strikes before dropping Lashley with a clothesline, then the match continues as we see footage of MVP and King backstage. They walk in with two masked men and are initially refused, but they force their way in as Lashley slams Roode on the floor. We get back from a break to see Lashley ground Roode with a waistlock, then Roode throws some elbows and follows with a clothesline.
Roode hits another after Lashley shakes the first off, then Lashley psyches himself up and dares Roode to hit him again, so Roode tackles him. Roode snapmares Lashley and heads up top, then he connects with a neckbreaker for two before he hits a spinebuster for two. Roode calls for a Roode Bomb but Lashley shoves him in the corner, then he turns and hits a powerslam for two. Lashley sets Roode up top but Roode knocks him back, then Lashley comes right back at him with his own fireman’s carry bomb before calling for a spear. Roode sidesteps him and spears him for two, then MVP makes his way out with his guests as Roode applies a Crossface.
Lashley powers up and calls for a powerslam, but Roode counters with a Roode Bomb for two. Roode goes back to a Crossface and the masked men get involved, then Kurt Angle rushes down as the referee gets knocked out and Roode sees he is now surrounded. The masked men reveal themselves to be Low Ki and Samoa Joe, but Eric Young runs out and chases them off with a chair. Young turns on Roode and blasts him with a chair shot, then Lashley gets up and spears Roode for the win. 
Winner and NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion – Bobby Lashley
Apologize: Got some internet problem. sorry for late results 

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TNA Impact Wrestling Results for 7 January , Destination America Debut,Hardy Boys are Missing
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