During WrestleMania season, WWE tries to give fans everything they want to see. Sadly, sometimes Vince McMahon and others do not accurately see what fans want. This is why it took an act of congress seemingly for WWE to add Daniel Bryan into major WrestleMania plans. If not for the fans and people backstage basically telling Vince he had to do it, Bryan would have never won the WWE World Heavyweight Title.
Thankfully he did and we were not subjected to Batista versus Randy Orton, a match very few wanted to see main event the show. Now WWE is trying very hard to listen to the crowd and real-life WWE Executive Triple H has taken to the internet to ask questions on occasion. WWE obviously now pays attention to the ‘net and what people are saying. It’s basically like having a massive open focus group.
WWE can access it at any time and see what fans hate or love. Obviously WWE cannot satisfy everyone, but if they can do it mostly then that is a big deal.
WWE does not want to run into a problem that they had last year, which is why they are listening more. However, we are now even seeing their listening take place.
Fans have been high on Dolph Ziggler for years. People love him, and many backstage think he is one of the best in the company. However, he has not been treated as such. WWE tried to see what they had in him a few years back when they gave him the Money in the Bank briefcase. He was paired with Big E. and AJ Lee and ended up winning the World Heavyweight Title the night after WrestleMania 29.
Fans blew up the arena with cheers and it was an amazing moment. Sadly, Ziggler suffered a concussion shortly after and the title was removed from his possession. It was sad to see, as it led to Ziggler being moved down the card. One injury suddenly defined him, and ended his push.
According to Daily Wrestling News, WWE is very high on Dolph right now, and the fact that he won by DQ against Rusev was a sign of that more than anything else. He could have lost like many before him or gotten completely buried. WWE didn’t want this, which is why he was used the way he was.Fans still remained high on him, and Dolph continued to show off well. This led to him finally getting recognition. At WWE Survivor Series back in November, he was given what many consider the push of a lifetime. Since then, he has been protected by WWE and made to look strong all the time.
There have been rumors that WWE has been high enough on Ziggler to consider him for the main event of WrestleMania 31. He along with Dean Ambrose as well as Roman Reigns are in possible plans to win the Royal Rumble match. Reigns was the clear favorite for this all year, but recent events put Ziggler and Ambrose into the fold and put Reigns on the outs.
Many want to see Ziggler given the opportunity, but whether or not WWE gives him something as big as a WrestleMania main event is up in the air. He should be given a major match at WrestleMania regardless however.
WWE Currently Very High On Dolph Ziggler, He Could Main Event WrestleMania 31?