- We're live from the American Bank Center in Corpus Christi, Texas as Michael Cole welcomes us. He's joined by Booker T and JBL on commentary. The ring is filled with and surrounded by WWE Superstars and Divas.
- John Cena is in the ring with a mic and fans boo before he can speak.
Cena says The Authority gathered everyone here but he wants to apologize first. Cena apologizes to everyone for going back on his word and bringing The Authority back. He talks about how saving Edge was more important than The Authority coming back to power. Triple H's music interrupts and out he comes to the stage with Stephanie McMahon.
Stephanie says being sad is no way to start the first RAW of the year and she gets the crowd hype. Triple H brings up Sting and calls him a painted face goof. Triple H says WWE was a sinking ship but it's back to where it should be now, thanks to one man... the future of WWE. Triple H introduces Seth Rollins and out he comes by himself. Rollins gives a shout out to Cena and wishes him a happy new year. Triple H announces the WWE World Heavyweight Title Match at Royal Rumble will now be a Triple Threat with Brock Lesnar defending against John Cena and Seth Rollins. Stephanie says tonight is John Cena Appreciation Night. Triple H says this is a new WWE, a new Authority and you'll get out what you put in. He says everyone will get what they deserve. He announces Bad News Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler for the Intercontinental Title.
- We go to the announcers and Cole confirms Jerry Lawler is recovering from being hospitalized with diverticulitis. They announce Roman Reigns vs.Big Show and Seth Rollins vs. Ryback for tonight. Also, the Ambulance Match with Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose. We go to commercial.
WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Bad News Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler
Back from the break and Eden doe formal ring introductions while Bad News Barrett and Dolph Ziggler wait. They lock up and Ziggler goes for the leg.
Barrett takes Ziggler to the corner and works him over. Barrett with a suplex for a 2 count. Ziggler comes back with a 2 count. Barrett counters in the corner and hits a big kick to the gut. Barrett stomps and covers for another pin attempt. Barrett with a headlock now. Barrett drops Ziggler and covers again. Barrett drops a knee and applies another headlock. Ziggler ends up countering and pinning Ziggler out of nowhere for the win.
Winner of Fall #1: Dolph Ziggler
- After the bell, Barrett immediately attacks Ziggler and beats him down. Barrett throws Ziggler out of the ring and tosses him into the barrier twice. Barrett slams Ziggler face first into the announce table and throws him into the steps. Barrett slams Ziggler's face into the steps as fans boo. Barrett whips Ziggler hard into the ring post. Barrett whips Ziggler into the apron and pulls him into the ring. Barrett rams Ziggler into the ring post shoulder first, twice. Kane's music hits and out he comes to the stage with a microphone. Kane informs us that this is a 2 of 3 Falls Match and tells the referee to ring the bell.
Barrett nails a big boot and Wasteland on Ziggler for the pin.
Winner of Fall #2: Bad News Barrett
- Trainers come in the ring to check on Ziggler as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Ziggler is getting to his feet as we get the bell. Barrett runs over him with a big boot. He goes for Wasteland and nails it but Ziggler kicks out. Kane watches from ringside as Barrett covers for another 2 count. Barrett with right hands now.
Barrett works Ziggler over on the ropes and boots him again for another 2 count. Ziggler fights back but Barrett side steps a dropkick and drops down on Ziggler for another 2 count. Barrett with elbows to the neck now. Ziggler comes back and hits a dropkick but misses a splash in the corner. Barrett drops a knee for another 2 count. Barrett lays Ziggler over the top and works him over. Barrett with a running knee to the gut for a 2 count. Barrett keeps control but misses in the corner. Ziggler hits a splash and a neckbreaker. Ziggler kicks the knee out but misses the Fame-asser. Barrett nails Winds of Change for a close 2 count. Ziggler blocks the Bullhammer and nails a superkick. Kane distracts Ziggler but gets kicked off the apron. Ziggler turns around to a Bullhammer for the win.
Winner and New WWE Intercontinental Champion: Bad News Barrett
- After the match, Kane joins Barrett in the ring to celebrate as Ziggler is out on the mat.
- As part of Cena Appreciation Night, we see highlights from Cena's WWE debut against Kurt Angle and his handshake with The Undertaker. Cena Appreciation Night will continue as The Authority thanks him. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and we get a look at the feud between Roman Reigns and Big Show.
- Reigns is backstage with Renee Young. She asks what we can expect tonight. Reigns isn't sure about what to expect from Show but he says Show can expect a man faster and stronger. Show can expect him, believe that.
- Bray Wyatt is backstage talking about Dean Ambrose and their match tonight. Back to commercial.
The Ascension vs. Two Local Wrestlers
Back from the break and out comes Konnor and Viktor of The Ascension. They take the mic and diss Demolition and The Road Warriors. They welcome us to the Wasteland as their opponents wait. Viktor starts out and unloads on his opponent. Konnor tags in and knocks the other guy off the apron. They hit Fall of Man for the easy win.
Winners: The Ascension
- Rusev and Lana are backstage. They will celebrate the Russian Christmas in a few days and offer this advice: America needs to keep their nose out of Russia's business and every other country. Rusev rips America and says there's only one man who can lead the world - Vladimir Putin. Fans boo. Lana praises Rusev and that's it.
Roman Reigns vs. Big Show
We go to the ring and Roman Reigns makes his way out through the crowd. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and out comes Big Show. Reigns ducks a punch and backs Show against the ropes to start the match. Show nails a big spear for a 2 count.
Show starts beating Reigns around the ring now. Show with a big scoop slam. Show walks on top of Reigns as fans boo him. Show with more stomps now. Show keeps control and smiles as he kicks Reigns over and covers for another 2 count. Show talks trash to Reigns while he's down. Reigns fights back with body shots but Show catches him in a bear hug. Reigns fights out with elbows. He staggers Show and ducks a punch. Reigns with a big clothesline that takes Show down. Reigns hits a Samoan Drop. Show blocks a Superman punch and sends Reigns over the top rope.
Show follows and they brawl at ringside. Show drops Reigns with a big kick. Show grabs the steel steps and rams Reigns in the face for the disqualification.
Winner by DQ: Roman Reigns
- After the bell, Show tosses Reigns into the ring and grabs the steel steps. Show charges but Reigns spears him and the steps fall on Show's head. Trainers come in to check on Big Show as Reigns' music plays.
- We get a look at Triple H adding Rollins to Lesnar vs. Cena earlier tonight and Stephanie announcing Cena Appreciation Night. A celebration will take place later. Back to commercial.
Nikki Bella vs. Natalya
Back from the break and WWE Divas Champion Nikki Bella is in the ring with Brie Bella. Natalya is out next and she's told Tyson Kidd to stay in the back.Paige makes her way out next and she hugs Natalya on the apron. Paige watches from ringside as they lock up and Natalya takes it to the corner.
Natalya goes for a Sharpshooter after taking control of Nikki early on but Nikki comes back. She's distracted by Paige and Brie arguing at ringside. Paige tosses Brie into the barrier, distracting Nikki and allowing for Natalya to get the win.
Winner: Natalya
- After the match, Nikki comes in for the attack but Paige fights back and drops her with a big superkick. Paige and Natalya pose together as The Bellas retreat.
- Dean Ambrose is backstage with words for Bray Wyatt and their Ambulance Match. Back to commercial.
Erick Rowan vs. Luke Harper
Back from the break and out comes Erick Rowan. His former partner Luke Harper is out next.
Before the match begins, Eden introduces the special referees for this match - Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury. They come out in referee gear. Harper starts off by taking control and beating Rowan into the corner. Rowan with a splash in the corner. Rowan goes to charge in the opposite corner but the referees get in the way. Rowan ends up dropping Harper with a spin kick but the referees stall on his pin. Fans boo as Rowan yells at Noble and Mercury. Rowan turns around to a huge shot from Harper and a very fast count from the referees.
Winner: Luke Harper
- After the match, Harper and The Stooges bully Rowan around.
- We get another Cena Appreciation Night video. Back to commercial.
e see a video from earlier today where Alicia Fox approached Naomi backstage and said even though they're on opposite ides of the match tonight, there's no beef between them. Alicia brings up how she's on Total Divas and rubs it in Naomi's face that she was pulled from the show. Alicia attacks Naomi and slams her face into the table. Alicia screams as some of the other Divas come over to check on Naomi.
- We get a look at the Ambrose vs. Wyatt feud. We see their ambulance backing into the arena as we go back to commercial.
Ambulance Match: Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose
Back from the break and we see the ambulance backed up near the stage. Eden explains the rules and Dean Ambrose makes his way out to a pop. Bray Wyatt is out next. They go at it and brawl around the ring to start. Ambrose tosses Wyatt over the announce table. Ambrose runs off of the announce table and decks Wyatt with a right hand before pushing him into the crowd. Wyatt ends up taking control and we go to commercial.
Back from another break and Wyatt is in control. He goes for Sister Abigail at one point but it's blocked. They fight up to the stage near the ambulance and go at it back and forth. Wyatt throws Ambrose in the back of the ambulance but Ambrose throws a chair out of it and knocks Wyatt down after leaping on him. Ambrose puts Wyatt in the ambulance and shuts one of the doors but Wyatt comes right out. Wyatt sends Ambrose face first into the back of the ambulance door twice.
They fight back to the stretcher and Ambrose bounces off of it with a big clothesline. Ambrose beats on Wyatt with the backboard from the stretcher. Ambrose brings a table over and is limping. He lays Wyatt on it and hits him. Ambrose hops up on the stage and makes his way on top of the ambulance. Ambrose leaps off the ambulance and puts Wyatt through the table. Ambrose picks Wyatt up to put him in the ambulance but Wyatt nails Sister Abigail out of nowhere onto the back of the ambulance. Wyatt puts Ambrose in and shuts one of the doors but Ambrose fights out. Wyatt hits him with Sister Abigail into the floor. Wyatt puts Ambrose back into the ambulance and slams the door for the win.
Winner: Bray Wyatt
- The bell rings and Wyatt's music hits. The sirens start up on the ambulance and it pulls off as Wyatt laughs.
- We get a look back at Cena and The Authority from earlier tonight. Back to commercial.
Naomi and The Usos vs. Alicia Fox, Damien Sandow and The Miz
Apologize: Got some internet problem so can't cover full match
Winners: The Miz, Damien Sandow and Alicia Fox
Ryback vs. Seth Rollins and Kane
Back from a commercial and Ryback makes his way out to a big pop. Seth Rollins is out next with Mercury and Noble.
Before the match begins, Kane comes out and forgot to mention earlier that this match is now a handicap match with Kane and Rollins vs. Ryback. Fans chant "feed me more" as we get ready to start.
Ryback and Kane go at it to start. Ryback with a Thesz press and a splash for a 2 count. Kane runs into a boot and gets clotheslined. Ryback with splashes. Rollins tags in and they double team Ryback in the corner. Rollins works Ryback over in the corner but Ryback turns it around and beats Rollins around. Ryback sends Kane to the floor and presses Rollins off the top to the mat. Ryback throws Rollins to the floor and stands alone in the ring as fans chant. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Kane is in control of Ryback. Ryback catches him with a belly to belly suplex. Ryback knocks Rollins off the apron. Rollins tags in and drops Ryback for a 2 count. Kane comes back in and they keep Ryback grounded. Rollins and Kane with more tags and offense. Ryback finally counters and hits a suplex on Kane. Rollins runs in and misses a splash. Ryback with a big back drop and powerslam on Rollins. Rollins counters a powerbomb but misses a kick. Ryback slams Rollins with a spinebuster and knocks Kane off the apron. The Stooges distract Ryback but he still hits a Meathook on Rollins. Kane stops Shellshocked from happening. Ryback fights Kane off and hits Shellshocked on him. Rollins is still the legal man and hits a Curb Stomp on Ryback. Rollins hits a second Curb Stomp on Ryback for the win.
Winners: Kane and Seth Rollins
- Rollins, Kane, Mercury and Noble stand over Ryback and taunt him after the match. Back to commercial.
Adam Rose vs. Big E
Back from the break and Adam Rose is out. Big E is next with New Day partners Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods. They go back and forth until two masked Rosebuds hit the ring and destroy Big E for the disqualification. They unmask themselves and it's Cesaro and Tyson Kidd. They celebrate with the Rosebuds and mock The New Day after taking them out.
- We see The Authority backstage. Up next, appreciation for John Cena. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and out comes Stephanie McMahon and Triple H. She's honored to be here to celebrate John Cena Appreciation Night. She says Cena knows what's best for business - reinstating The Authority. Stephanie introduces Cena and out he comes as she and Triple H clap.
Triple H show footage of Cena reinstating them last week. Triple H does a lot of talking and says maybe Cena finally sees past the "hustle, loyalty and respect" crap to realize that nothing matters but the ring and what's best for business. Triple H says he appreciates Cena from the bottom of his heart. Triple H brings out Ryback, Erick Rowan and Dolph Ziggler to the ring.
Triple H welcomes them to John Cena Appreciation Night. He says they proved their admiration for Cena when they unwisely joined his team at Survivor Series. Triple H says Cena threw them all back into the fire when he brought The Authority back. Triple H addresses Rowan first and discusses his punishment with Stephanie. They talk about how many days they're going to give Ryback and Ziggler also. Stephanie and Triple H have a private discussion about their punishments and walk up to the stage. They turn and face the Superstars in the ring. Stephanie says Ziggler, Rowan and Ryback are all fired and they can thank Cena. Triple H tells everyone to give it up for Cena. Music plays as confetti and balloons fall from the rafters. Stephanie and Triple H kiss as Cena looks on stunned. RAW goes off the air with confetti falling all over a worried looking Cena.
Winners: Kane and Seth Rollins
- Rollins, Kane, Mercury and Noble stand over Ryback and taunt him after the match. Back to commercial.
Adam Rose vs. Big E
Back from the break and Adam Rose is out. Big E is next with New Day partners Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods. They go back and forth until two masked Rosebuds hit the ring and destroy Big E for the disqualification. They unmask themselves and it's Cesaro and Tyson Kidd. They celebrate with the Rosebuds and mock The New Day after taking them out.
- We see The Authority backstage. Up next, appreciation for John Cena. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and out comes Stephanie McMahon and Triple H. She's honored to be here to celebrate John Cena Appreciation Night. She says Cena knows what's best for business - reinstating The Authority. Stephanie introduces Cena and out he comes as she and Triple H clap.
Triple H show footage of Cena reinstating them last week. Triple H does a lot of talking and says maybe Cena finally sees past the "hustle, loyalty and respect" crap to realize that nothing matters but the ring and what's best for business. Triple H says he appreciates Cena from the bottom of his heart. Triple H brings out Ryback, Erick Rowan and Dolph Ziggler to the ring.
Triple H welcomes them to John Cena Appreciation Night. He says they proved their admiration for Cena when they unwisely joined his team at Survivor Series. Triple H says Cena threw them all back into the fire when he brought The Authority back. Triple H addresses Rowan first and discusses his punishment with Stephanie. They talk about how many days they're going to give Ryback and Ziggler also. Stephanie and Triple H have a private discussion about their punishments and walk up to the stage. They turn and face the Superstars in the ring. Stephanie says Ziggler, Rowan and Ryback are all fired and they can thank Cena. Triple H tells everyone to give it up for Cena. Music plays as confetti and balloons fall from the rafters. Stephanie and Triple H kiss as Cena looks on stunned. RAW goes off the air with confetti falling all over a worried looking Cena.
WWE Monday Night Raw Complete Results, Ambrose vs Wyatt Ambulance match,