Wednesday 14 January 2015

WWE NXT Results (1/14) Dempsey vs Corbin, Sami Zayn vs Andrial Neville

Finn Balor vs Tyson Kidd
Balor hits an immediate dropkick before he heads up top, then Kidd bails outside and Balor gives chase and rolls him back in the ring. Kidd rolls out the other side so Balor follows him again, but Kidd slams him into the barricade and kicks him a few times. Kidd rolls him inside and hits a legdrop, then he taunts Balor a bit and hits a neckbreaker. Kidd applies a side headlock before he puts Balor in tree of woe position, then he stomps Balor a few times before Balor kicks him in the face. Balor hits a reverse bulldog and an enziguri, then Kidd falls outside so Balor hits a suicide dive on the ramp. Kidd connects with a kick to the head, then he hits a springboard elbow drop for two before he applies a Sharpshooter. Balor gets to the ropes to break, then he pulls Kidd through the ropes and hits an inverted elevated DDT (Bloody Sunday), followed by a top rope diving kick to the head for the win. 
Winner – Finn Balor 

Devin Taylor is backstage with Bull Dempsey, who says Baron Corbin isn’t the only one undefeated in the next match, and it’s going to be a short fight. He says he is the last of a dying breed, and all Corbin will hear at the end of it is “Bull! Bull! Bull!”. 
Bull Dempsey vs Baron Corbin 
Baron goes right after Bull and they trade punches on the floor, then Baron slams his head on the mat and rolls him back in. Bull kicks him a few times before he hits a running splash, then he heads up top but Baron rolls away from a diving headbutt and hits End of Days for the win. 
Winner – Baron Corbin

Charlotte & Natalya vs Becky Lynch & Sasha Banks  
Becky and Nattie trade headlocks before Becky takes a cheap shot, then Nattie gets pissed and nails her with several forearm shots to the head. Nattie connects with a baseball slide kick before getting a near fall, then Charlotte hits her before Nattie assists with a wheelbarrow slam for two. Nattie kicks Banks in the back of the head and leaps over her, then she hits a basement dropkick before Banks knees her in the stomach. Banks gets a near fall, then she applies a striaghtjacket choke before Nattie breaks it and makes the tag. Charlotte hits a neckbreaker, then she hits the ropes when Becky runs in, but Nattie pulls her outside, and Banks hits a neckbreaker and hooks the tights for the win. 
Winners – Becky Lynch & Sasha Banks 

NXT ChampionshipAdrian Neville vs Sami Zayn (c) 
Sami reverses a headlock and tries to backdrop Neville, but Neville lands on his feet and hits the ropes before he sends Sami into the corner with a hurricanrana. They have words in the middle of the ring and Neville goes for a cheap shot, but Sami hits him with a forearm shot before they trade punches. Sami misses a clothesline and Neville shoves him over the ropes, then he runs across the ring and dives onto him. We get back from a break to see Neville hit a hurricanrana slam for two, then Neville stomps Sami and heads up top. Sami stops him and Neville elbows him a few times, then he attempts a spin kick but Sami connects with a Blue Thunder bomb for two.
Sami hits two German suplexes before Neville counters a third with a back handspring into a reverse hurricanrana slam, then the referee checks on Sami to make sure he is OK. Sami looks to be out of it but says he can continue, then he ducks a clothesline and hits a reverse belly-to-belly throw. Neville rolls outside so Sami tries to dive through the ropes and hit a DDT, but Neville kicks him in the face and heads up top. Neville calls for Red Arrow but Sami rolls away, then he misses a Helluva Kick and Neville rolls him up for two. Sami comes right back with an exploder suplex into the turnbuckles, then he follows with the Helluva Kick for the win. 
Winner – Sami Zayn 
Sami celebrates his win, but is attacked from behind by Kevin Owens, who powerbombs Sami and then kicks him in the head. Owens kicks Sami once more, then he stares back at him before leaving.  

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WWE NXT Results (1/14) Dempsey vs Corbin, Sami Zayn vs Andrial Neville
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