Jimmy Uso vs. Xavier Woods
Jimmy takes advantage early, but the two men collide, and Woods ends up the better off. Woods puts the boots to Uso in a hilarious sequence that went on for over twenty seconds straight. Huge "New Day Sucks" chants as Woods applies a chinlock.
Uso fights out, gets Woods in the corner and misses the running hip bump, allowing Woods to score on a spinning DDT. Woods goes for his springing clothesline, but gets superkicked and splashed for the pin.
Winner: Jimmy Uso via pinfall (Superfly splash)
Both men were over in Europe, especially Xavier Woods. New Day has a new lease on life as heels.
Emma vs. Layla
Emma knocks Layla down right off the bat, and Layla sells for what seems like a long time. When she turns around, she clocks Emma and aggressively attacks. She locks on her reverse triangle over the ropes and trips Emma.
Emma catches Layla with a back elbow and locks on the Tarantula, then shoves Layla down. Emma scores a nice front dropkick, but only gets a two count. Layla hits a kick and the Layout for the win.
Winner: Layla via pinfall (Layout)
The neckbreaker to finish it was nasty looking. Layla has been out of the ring for five months now. Interesting that she returned on Main Event.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Rusev (w/Lana)
Ziggler comes out aggressive, but gets dropped with a slam from Rusev, who works him over for a bit. Ziggler fights back and score a big dropkick. He almost has his DDT reversed, but fights through and lands it for a two count.
Ziggler goes for the Zig Zag, but ends up having a superkick caught and Rusev delivers one of his own for a two count. Rusev goes after the leg of Ziggler, delivers another big kick and locks on the Accolade for the win.
Winner: Rusev via submission (Accolade)
Rusev keeps the hold locked on for several extra seconds. Lana comes in and congratulates him to close the show.
WWE Main Event Results (4/18): Rusev Vs. Dolph Ziggler, Layla Returns, Jimmy Uso Vs. Xavier