Sunday 19 April 2015

WWE Superstars Results (4/18): R-Truth Vs. Curtis Axel, Heath Slater Vs. Zack Ryder

zack ryderWelcome to coverage of WWE Superstars! This week's show comes from Europe, as the WWE's tour overseas pushes along.
Zack Ryder vs. Heath Slater
Heath Slater takes control early and works over Ryder. He catches a stiff shot to the mouth that cracks him open, and he isn't happy. Slater applies a rear chinlock and Ryder tries to work out of it, but Slater hits a suplex that lands awkwardly.
Ryder battles back and hits the Broski Boot, but Ryder counters the Rough Ryder with a beautiful powerbomb for two. Ryder knocks Slater. Ryder lands a Frankensteiner and the Rough Ryder for the win. Really good match here.
Winner: Zack Ryder via pinfall (Rough Ryder)
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R-Truth vs. Curtis Axel
Curtis Axel is really over with the European crowd. He tosses Truth over the top rope to a huge cheer, but Truth landed on the apron. Axel rips his shirt off and Truth tosses him over the top rope in turn.
Truth hits a drop toe hold and beats Axel down in the corner. Axel fights back as huge "AxelMania" chants break out. He avoids a splash in the corner and hits a running knee for a two count. Axel taunts Truth but eats a Lie Detector to end the match.
Winner: R-Truth via pinfall (Lie Detector)

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WWE Superstars Results (4/18): R-Truth Vs. Curtis Axel, Heath Slater Vs. Zack Ryder
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