Saturday 6 June 2015

UFC Fight Night 68 results for 6 June 2015

UFC Fight Night 68Leonardo Morales (4-2 MMA, 0-2 UFC) vs. Jose Quinonez (4-2 MMA, 1-1 UFC)
Round 1 – Quick start, and Morales kicks the legs as Quinonez pushes forward with punches. They move into the clinch and press against the cage, with Quinonez on the outside. They battle for position, and Morales tries to slip around and jump the back, but Quinonez ends up driving him to the floor. Morales recovers to guard, but as he tries to work out, Quinonez moves around to his back. Immediately, Quinonez is looking for the choke. Morales is stuck. He defends for a bit, but this choke is in as Quinonez rolls for position. He gets the squeeze, and Morales has to tap.
Result: Jose Quinonez def. Leonardo Morales via submission (rear-naked choke) – Round 1, 2:34
Ricardo Abreu (5-1 MMA, 1-1 UFC) vs. Jake Collier (9-2 MMA, 1-1 UFC)
Round 1 – Abreu walks over to meet Collier, and they start teeing off with punches. Collier looking to use his range, but Abreu firing big power shots, as well. Abreu scores with a right hand. Collier mixing in kicks, and he lands a shot to the body. He moves inside, but Abreu scores with a knee to the jaw. They clinch briefly. Abreu lands a nice hook as they break. He’s got the bigger shots so far. Collier busy, but his opponent is firing the heavier blows. Abreu settling in a bit, and Collier is the one setting the pace. High kicks come in from Collier. Abreu thinks takedown, but Collier stuffs it. Still, Abreu lands a big hook as they break. Collier pressing. He kicks the body again. Big shot there. Collier rushes forward to close, but he stumbles a bit, and they end in the clinch. 
Round 2 – Quick start to open. Collier seems to want to pick up the pace. More bog kicks to the body land flush. Collier moving well. Abreu bleeding from the nose, and his mouth is wide open. He’s still throwing with power, but his volume is slowing. Collier sticking and moving. Collier’s kicks still his best weapon. Abreu pushes inside and looks to get the fight to the floor. Collier defends well and stays on his feet. He lands a knee inside. Collier eventually pulls away. He flurries on the restart, finishing with a kick to the body. Nice right hand lands for Collier. Abreu smiles. He fires off a high kick that’s blocked. One minute left. Abreu pushes forward and gets a takedown. Collier tries to scramble up but winds up settling on to his back. Half-guard for Collier. Abreu with a few right hands to the body. Collier content to just hold on until the bell.
Round 3 – Both men ask for the crowd to come alive as they start. Collier scores a push kick to the body. Abreu’s left eye busted up a bit. Collier trying to work that long jab. Abreu answering with power right hands. Abreu drives in and gets the fight to the floor. Collier turns, and Abreu is on the back. Collier keeps working and gets to his feet. Abreu tries to stay tight, but Collier pushes him away. On the feet, it’s the long left of Collier answered by the big right of Abreu. Collier seems to wobble a bit when he’s tagged. If he’s not hurt, he’s not doing himself favors. Collier’s corner asking him to stay at distance. He kicks the leg. Abreu stumbles when he’s kicked again. Abreu shoots inside. Collier defends, but a second effort gets the fight to the floor. Collier working to get to his feet. Abreu tries to slip around to the back, but Collier pulls away. One minute left as they restart. Collier looks fresher, and he’s mixing in combinations. Abreu still throwing the bigger shots. Right hand scores, but Collier goes again to the body. They rattle off punches at the bell. Fin end to the fight.
Result: Jake Collier def. Ricardo Abreu via split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Justin Edwards (8-5 MMA, 2-5 UFC) vs. Joe Proctor (11-3 MMA, 4-2 UFC)
Round 1 – Proctor with an early kick to the legs. A second scores. Edwards moves forward with punches and pushes into the clinch. Proctor tries to grab a Thai clinch and fire knees, but Edwards pulls away, punching as they go back to the center of the cage. Proctor with a right hand that scores, but Edwards runs through it and gets a takedown. Proctor immediately back to his feet. Edwards eventually backs away. Proctor with a jab, but Edwards answers with an overhand right. Proctor starting to work combinations. He kicks the legs again. High kick for Proctor. Edwards moving forward, but Proctor starting to find his range.Slapping leg kick for Proctor. Spinning kick for Edwards to the body. Edwards still pressing. Uppercut for Proctor. Round ends on the feet.
Round 2 – Edwards again looking to set the pace, as he walks forward looking to strike. Proctor again answering well. Edwards moves into the clinch and lands a few knees inside. Proctor tries to get his hand to the floor to get added protection but eventually just pulls away. Right hand scores for Edwards. Proctor using a sharp jab, but Edwards continues to be the aggressor. Leaping kick for Proctor. He chops the legs, as well. Proctor’s left hand is scoring, but Edwards moves in with a takedown. Proctor again to his feet. Proctor retreating and countering well. Good action from both men. Proctor with a nice right hand. Final minute. Edwards blocks a spinning kick and drives a front kick to the body. Proctor’s counter shots are strong. 
Round 3: Edwards again moving forward, but Proctor kicks him in the legs and then lands a knee to the body. Edwards with constant pressure, but Proctor answering well with big punches. Edwards drives inside, looking for at takedown. Proctor sprawls well agains the cage, and Edwards has to back away. Edwards kicks the body, but Proctor answers with punches up top. Proctor’s boxing racking up points. Stiff left scores for Proctor. Two minutes left. Edwards’ output slowing a bit. He dives forward for a takedown. Proctor grabs his neck and tries for a guillotine. He falls to guard, but Edwards passes to the side, so Proctor has to let it go. They scramble back up to the feet. Edwards misses a spinning kick. Proctor flurries and again grabs a guillotine. They hit the floor, and Proctor controls from the front. Proctor keeps squeezing and falls to guard, and Edwards goes out in the transition. 
Result: Joe Proctor def. Justin Edwards via technical submission (guillotine choke) – Round 3, 4:58
Christos Giagos (11-4 MMA, 1-2 UFC) vs. Chris Wade (10-1 MMA, 3-0 UFC)
Round 1 – Wade with a low kick, but Giagos looks immediately for the takedown. Wade able to scramble to the cage and stay upright. Giagos still looking to move forward. Wade pops out a jab and defends another takedown attempt. Wade slips a punch and moves into a takedown, but Giagos immediately back up to his feet. Giagos with a kick to the body, and he looks again for the takedown. Wade tries to grab the neck but lets go to focus on staying upright. They reset in the center, and Giagos scores up top, but Wade answers wit a beautiful hip toss that seems him move immediately into mount. Giagos rolls to escape and gets free from a guillotine attempt as they move back to the feet. Giagos walking forward, but Wade scores with a sort elbow inside. Leg kick buckles Giagos’ legs. He’s got a small but by his right eye. Into the clinch in the closing seconds, and that cut is opening up. They finish against the fence. 
Round 2 – Giagos again looking to set the tone. He’s firing big shots as he rushes forward, but Wade moving well to avoid and counter. Giagos still bleeding over his right eye. Wade seems to slip as he looks for a takedown, and that allows Giagos to control him from the front. He wants to move to the back, but Wade grabs the legs to prevent that. Giagos tries instead for the guillotine but can’t quit get to guard with the squeeze, so Wade pops his head out and now was top position. They scramble for position, and it’s Wade who now wants the guillotine. Giagos moves to side control to alleviate the pressure. Wade has to let go, but he immediately shifts and sweeps to top control. Wade pressing. Giagos gets to a seated position and wants to get to his feet in the final minute. Wade not giving him any space. Wade with a few elbows inside and then looks for the takedown. 
Round 3 – Giagos scores with a leaping left hand. Wade comes back with a right hand. Wade kicks the legs. Giagos still the one moving forward. He walks into a knee to the body. They clinch, and the fight hits the deck. Wade trying to establish control. Giagos nearly slips out to the side for a slick armbar attempt, but Wade pulls free and again gets to top position. Giagos scrambles to guard. Blood starting to stream from Giagos’ right eye. Still, he rolls and works his way back to his feet. Giagos with a knee, followed by a left hand. He’s looking to attack. Sweeping hooks score. Wade seems content to just hang on for the time being. But as Giagos walks forward, Wade is able to bring him to the floor. Giagos immediately back to his feet, and they reset in the center. One minute left, and Wade looking for a takedown. Not there. Giagos trying to make something happen. He’s the busier fighter. Wade just wants the bell. Giagos with knees inside. He pulls away to punch. Wade ties him up at the bell. MMAjunkie gives the final round to Wade, 10-9, and awards him the fight 30-27.
Result: Chris Wade def. Christos Giagos via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)
Omari Akhmedov (15-2 MMA, 3-1 UFC) vs. Brian Ebersole (51-17-1 MMA, 4-3 UFC)
Round 1 – Akhmedov takes the center and misses on an early low kick. He fires again with a big kick to the body. Akhmedov kicks the legs. Ebersole on the outside, circling. Akhmedov fires a right hand. Akhmedov again with a kick to the body. Bit of a tentative start. Ebersole slips on a kick, but Akhmedov can’t get to him. Akhmedov with a few big right hands. Ebersole drops for a takedown, but Akhmedov easily pushes him away. Ebersole fakes a shot, but Akhmedov doesn’t bite. Akhmedov kicks the legs and takes a look at the clock. Right hand for Akhmedov. He doesn’t seem concerned with Ebersole at all. Big hooks come in as he picks his shots. Akhmedov kicks the legs. Crowd getting a little restless. Akhmedov again to the body. Round ends on the feet, and 
Round 2 – Ebersole injured his knee in the first and cannot answer the bell for the second, and this fight is over.
Result: Omari Akhmedov def. Brian Ebersole via TKO (injury) – Round 1, 5:00
Derrick Lewis (12-4 MMA, 3-2 UFC) vs. Shawn Jordan (18-6 MMA, 6-3 UFC)
Round 1 – Lewis kicks the body to start. High kick follows. Big right hand for Lewis, and he pushes inside. Lewis presses Jordan to the cage. Jordan spins off the cage and scores a trip, moving immediately to top position. Lewis turns to his knees and stands. Jordan staying very tight to the body. Lewis spins off the cage. Right hand for Jordan as they separate. Lewis misses a big spinning kick. Jordan blocks a high kick. Lewis misses on a right hand. He’s staying under control. Jordan slips inside and scores another takedown. Short elbows from the top. He postures. Lewis turns to his knees and stands. Jordan not allowing any space at all. He battles in the clinch. Knees to the thigh. Lewis pushes him away and looks to bang but eats aright hand. Final minute, and they are throwing big bombs. Crowd loves the action. Lewis moves into the clinch, but Jordan scores another takedown. Side control for Jordan. Lewis holds tight as Jordan works in a few elbows. Lewis rolls to his knees.
Round 2 – Leaping knee for Lewis. Heel kick for Jordan, and Lewis is hurt. He hits the deck, and Jordan jumps on top. He moves to mount and starts punching away. Lewis turns to his knees. Jordan on the back. Punches coming from the back, and the referee has seen enough. Blood runs out of Lewis’ mouth as he recovers.
Result: Shawn Jordan def. Derrick Lewis via TKO (strikes) – Round 2, 0:48
Alex Caceres (10-8 MMA, 5-6 UFC) vs. Francisco Rivera (11-4 MMA, 4-3 UFC)
Round 1 – Caceres takes the center and fires out a jab. Rivera counters with a sharp right hand. Another lands. Caceres is hurt. Rivera sees it and unleashes. Another right hand, and a left lands flush. Caceres hits the deck, and Rivera pounces. More punches, and they’re landing flush, and this fight is over.
Result: Francisco Rivera def. Alex Caceres via knockout (punches) – Round 1, 0:21
Anthony Birchak (12-2 MMA, 1-1 UFC) vs. Joe Soto (15-4 MMA, 0-2 UFC)
Round 1 – Birchak busier early, as he works his hands and tries to set things up on the feet. Soto moving well and looking to counter. Birchak scores with a right hands that sends Soto to the floor. Birchak pounces. Soto crawls up to his feet, but Birchak is not backing away. Punches in bunches as Soto tries to recover, but Birchak doesn’t let him off the hook. Pounding away, and Soto goes face down. Brutal finish.
Result: Anthony Birchak def. Joe Soto via knockout (strikes) – Round 1, 1:37
Brian Ortega (9-0 MMA, 1-0 UFC) vs. Thiago Tavares (19-6-1 MMA, 9-6-1 UFC)
Round 1 – Tavares out quickly and brings the fight right to Ortega, who happily obliges with strikes. Tavares moves in for a takedown, and Ortega happily goes to his back and looks immediately for an armbar. He gets into position, but Tavares fights it off. Tense moments there for Tavares. He’s on top and looking to strike. Punches and elbows coming in. Ortega looks again to turn for the arm, but it’s not there. Short punches from the top. Ortega rolls again, and this time he’s got the arm. He can’t get the finish, but he does use it to transition to the top. Tavares is cut and bleeding. Ortega is now in mount. Tavares trying to hold tight. Ortega works in a few elbows. Tavares needs to move, and he does. He escapes to the top. Slick move there. Ortega crawls up to his feet, and we rest One minute left. Tavares’ face covered in blood. Cut is on his forehead. They trade on the feet. Tavares with a beautiful toss to close. 
Round 2 – Tavares again out quickly. Ortega catches him, and Tavares hits the deck. He crawls up and swears he’s OK, nearly giving up his neck as he wags his finger. Tavares pulls free and pushes Ortega down, taking top position. Ortega scores with an upkick, but Tavares stays on top. Ortega dangerous on his back, but Tavares seems content to grind away from the top. Hammerfists for Tavares. Short punches to the body, as well. Ortega scrambles up to his feet, but Tavares quickly brings him back to the canvas. Cut opening up on Tavares’ forehead. Ortega tries again for the arm. Tavares rolls through it and gets to mount, posturing up and punching. Ortega turns to attack the leg. Tavares calmly spins through it. Great transitions. Tavares winds up back on top. He stands, and Ortega again clips him with an upkick. Tavares works past the legs. Triangle from the bottom, but Tavares gets through it. Punches from the top for Tavares, who is staying busy. Blood all over both men.
Round 3 – Tavares’ cut is awful, but doctors let him fight. He shoots to start, but Ortega fights it off. Tavares’ right eye is a mess, but the cut isn’t bleeding right now. They trade punches to start. Ortega with a Superman off the cage. Tavares shoots inside. Ortega defends and pulls away. Tavares finally seems to be fading a bit. He lands a knee to the groin, and Ortega drops to the floor. Tavares swears it was clean. Ortega stays on the floor for a bit, but we carry on. Ortega with a jab on the restart. High kick scores for Tavares. He kicks the body, as well. Ortega counters with a right. Just an absolute brawl. Spinning kick for Ortega. Tavares drops for a takedown. Ortega battles it off, but Tavares slips to his back as they stand. Kind of a stalemate, and the referee calls for a break. Tavares loses his mouthpieces, and we have a break. On the restart, they start teeing off. Ortega clips Tavares, who staggers a bit. Another right scores. Tavares is in trouble. Ortega jumps on top and gets to mount. Punches rain down, and Tavares can’t go any longer. Fight is over. Incredible.
Result: Brian Ortega def. Thiago Tavares via TKO (punches) – Round 3, 4:10
Yancy Medeiros (11-3 MMA, 2-3 UFC) vs. Dustin Poirier (18-4 MMA, 10-3 UFC)
Round 1 – Medeiros opens with a jab. Medeiros answers with a straight left. Short elbow from Medeiros misses. Both men moving well to open. Poirier with a right hand. Medeiros hits the floor. He crawls up, but Poirier tags him again. Medeiros holding on for life. Poirier throws him to the floor. He’s on the back and looking for the choke. Medeiros turns his chin. He seems to have recovered from those blows, but he’s in a bad spot. Figure-four for Poirier around the body. Medeiros controlling the wrists as he defends. Poirier trying to sneak his arm under. He finally backs away and moves to the feet. Poirier with a left. Liver kick, and Medeiros is hurt. Poirier just all over him with punches. How long can Medeiros hang in there? Poirier not backing away. He continues to strike, and this fight is over. 
Result: Dustin Poirier def. Yancy Medeiros via TKO (strikes) – Round 1, 2:38
Matt Mitrione (9-4 MMA, 9-4 UFC) vs. Ben Rothwell (35-9 MMA, 5-3 UFC)
Round 1 – Mitrione passes on a glove touch. He’s moving well to start and leaps in with a left. Rothwell more stationary in the center. Mitrione trying to get in and out of range. Rothwell keeps his hands high and delivers a lead hook. Mitrione leaps with a right. He’s the quicker fighter. Rothwell kicks the legs and moves forward. He tries to work from the clinch. Mitrione pops him with a right and kicks the legs. Mitrione kicks the body. Mitrione drives in for a takedown. Rothwell shucks it off and grabs the guillotine. He wrenches it as they fall to the floor, and Mitrione has to tap, and he does so frantically with both hands. Tight squeeze.
Result: Ben Rothwell def. Matt Mitrione via submission (gogo choke) – Round 1, 1:54
Tim Boetsch (18-8 MMA, 7-5 UFC) vs. Dan Henderson (30-13 MMA, 7-7 UFC)
Round 1 – Boetsch light on his feet as Henderson cocks his big right hand. Boetsch with a front kick, but Henderson hits him with the right. Henderson is all over him. Boetsch is hurt. Henderson knows it, and he’s not letting off the gas. Barrage of punches follow, and Boetsch can’t recover. This fight is over.
Result:Dan Henderson def. Tim Boetsch  via Tko

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