Saturday 6 June 2015

WWE Main Event results for 6 June 2015

bad news barretWWE Main Event results for 6 June  Dolph Ziggler, Lana, R-Truth Wants To Be King, King Barrett, Paige .Tonight, the Ravishing Russian Lana will make an appearance on the program.
Adam Rose (w/ Rosa Mendes) vs. Dolph Ziggler (w/ Lana)
Jimmy Uso is out for commentary, as Adam Rose says he offered fans high art but they couldn't appreciate it. Rose gets some offense early, but Ziggler comes back and scores a Heart Stopper elbow. Adam Rose changes up his normally awesome spinebuster to one without a spin, and then transitions into a Boston Crab. Ziggler gets to the ropes and Mendes totally misses a cheat slap to Ziggler, who turns around and hit a great superkick to Rose for the win.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler via pinfall (Superkick)
 We get a Kevin Owens/ John Cena promo recap highlight from raw.
Paige vs. Alicia Fox
Paige start the match up with STF on fox, and then trips her up. Fox manages a come back and yank Paige out of the ring.Commercial Break
We come back to Fox controlling Paige with and arm-trapped chinlock. Paige rolls Fox up for a two, as both girls yell about who the house belongs to. Paige hits a somersault senton off the apron but gets two. She locks on the PTO and Fox taps out at last.
Winner: Paige via submission (PTO)
 We see some Raw recaps.
King Barrett vs. Jack Swagger
R-Truth is out for commentary. He says that since he beat King Barrett, he should be King, which would be hilarious. He calls the announcer Sean Mooney. King Barrett is beating Jack Swagger down as we head to a commercial break.
We come back to Barrett landing knees to Swagger while he's tied up in the ropes.Truth give some distraction here and Swagger knocked off Barret from the apron, followed by a big clothesline. Back inside, he hits a Vader Bomb for two count. Swagger applies the Patriot Lock, but Barrett somehow escapes and hits the Bull Hammer for the win.
Winner: King Barrett via pinfall (Bull Hammer)
R-Truth hides behind the barricade from Barrett after the match.

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WWE Main Event results for 6 June 2015
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