Sunday 21 February 2016

Kalisto vs Alberto Del Rio U.S championship match at Fastlane

del rio vs kalisto
The Panel talk some more about Edge and Christian's peep show tonight. They also tell us about the New WWE Network show of Edge and Christian that will premier afterward. JoJo interviews Dolph Ziggler and he says he is gonna win the gold tonight.
2 of 3 Falls Match for the WWE United States Title: Alberto Del Rio vs. Kalisto
We go to the ring and Mauro Ranallo is on commentary with JBL and Byron Saxton. Alberto Del Rio makes his way out first. WWE United States Champion Kalisto is out next as fans do the "lucha!" chant.
Lilian Garcia introduces the challenger and the champ and we go for it. They start with locks and Del Rio takes the control Early on.Del Rio hit some kind of arm slam at Kalisto and goes to work his arm repeatedly. Del Rio as usual try to take off Kalisto's Mask and rips his mouth.They get it to the floor but Del Rio controls again here. Kalisto hits a shot for count and Del Rio get back it to the floor for breath but Kalisto comes off the top rope and get him down to a pop from crowd.  
Del Rio hits and enzigiri and mocks crowd for Lucha chant.  Del Rio with a Snap Suplex and face first to the corner ring post then the barrier. Kalisto tries to fight back and sends Del Rio into ring post somehow.
Del Rio with a snap suplex before showing off in the corner and wasting time. Del Rio goes to the floor and sends Kalisto face first into the post, then the barrier. Del Rio scoops Kalisto but Kalisto counters and shoves Del Rio into the ring post. Kalisto brings it back in the ring for a 2 count. Del Rio rolls back to the floor and Kalisto sends him into the barrier. Kalisto runs the barrier and nails a hurricanrana, sending Del Rio flying over another part of the barrier. Kalisto goes to jump off the barrier but Del Rio smacks him out of the air with a steel chair. The referee calls for the bell and Kalisto gets the first fall by disqualification.
Del Rio makes much offense here and sends Kalisto into barriers few times and hits him through the announce table.The second fall has not started yet as we go to break with the referee checking on Kalisto.Back from the break and we're in the ring now. Del Rio is demanding the second fall be started but the referee is still checking on Kalisto in the corner. We get the bell and they go to work. Del Rio fights off Kalisto and quickly hits a stomp for a pin. Del Rio gets the second fall. 
Del Rio hits a clothesline and start the third fall. Del Rio keeps control and takers Kalisto to corner and trying to remove his mask. Del Rio ends up with Kalisto turned upside.He wastes time and Kalisto brings him to the mat with a Frankensteiner. Kalisto with a kick to the face and a springboard in. They run the ropes and Kalisto nails a corkscrew. Kalisto slams Del Rio face first with a hurricanrana for a 2 count. Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Del Rio runs into a boot. Kalisto counters a move and nails a big DDT for a close 2 count.
Kalisto tries to get the top rope but Del Rio slams. Del Rio climbs up and hits an inverted suplex.Kalisto gets to the floor and Del Rio Lost the pin at the point. Del Rio tries to make some more offense but Kalisto rolls him up for the pin to retained.
Winner: Kalisto

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Kalisto vs Alberto Del Rio U.S championship match at Fastlane
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