Sunday 21 February 2016

WWE Fastlane 2016 complete results

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Welcome to our WWE Fastlane 2016 complete results.Join the conversation below at the comment section to discuss matches. Keep reloading this page for latest results on page.
Fastlane 2016 kick off Kickoff Pre-show opens up from The Cleveland, Ohio and we see Renee Young, Booker T, Corey Graves and Jerry Lawler. They hype tonight's show and Lawler discusses Renee's dress. Lawler Hype some more and they say the night is gonna big. The tell us that we can ask questions to AJ Styles by using hashtag #AJStyles. They talk about matches tonight. Corey says Kalisto is gonna retain and Booker looks agree.
 We see Brie Bella vs Charlotte situation highlights now and the panel joined by Paul Haymen who introduces himself and then talk about Brock Lesnar and main event tonight. He says Brock is gonna conquer the Brothers tonight. He also praises Brock some more and says Brock is gonna fight for World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania 32.
The Panel talk some more about Edge and Christian's peep show tonight. They also tell us about the New WWE Network show of Edge and Christian that will premier afterward. JoJo interviews Dolph Ziggler and he says he is gonna win the gold tonight.
2 of 3 Falls Match for the WWE United States Title: Alberto Del Rio vs. Kalisto
We go to the ring and Mauro Ranallo is on commentary with JBL and Byron Saxton. Alberto Del Rio makes his way out first. WWE United States Champion Kalisto is out next as fans do the "lucha!" chant.
Lilian Garcia introduces the challenger and the champ and we go for it. They start with locks and Del Rio takes the control Early on.Del Rio hit some kind of arm slam at Kalisto and goes to work his arm repeatedly. Del Rio as usual try to take off Kalisto's Mask and rips his mouth.They get it to the floor but Del Rio controls again here. Kalisto hits a shot for count and Del Rio get back it to the floor for breath but Kalisto comes off the top rope and get him down to a pop from crowd.  
Del Rio hits and enzigiri and mocks crowd for Lucha chant.  Del Rio with a Snap Suplex and face first to the corner ring post then the barrier. Kalisto tries to fight back and sends Del Rio into ring post somehow.
Del Rio with a snap suplex before showing off in the corner and wasting time. Del Rio goes to the floor and sends Kalisto face first into the post, then the barrier. Del Rio scoops Kalisto but Kalisto counters and shoves Del Rio into the ring post. Kalisto brings it back in the ring for a 2 count. Del Rio rolls back to the floor and Kalisto sends him into the barrier. Kalisto runs the barrier and nails a hurricanrana, sending Del Rio flying over another part of the barrier. Kalisto goes to jump off the barrier but Del Rio smacks him out of the air with a steel chair. The referee calls for the bell and Kalisto gets the first fall by disqualification.
Del Rio makes much offense here and sends Kalisto into barriers few times and hits him through the announce table.The second fall has not started yet as we go to break with the referee checking on Kalisto.Back from the break and we're in the ring now. Del Rio is demanding the second fall be started but the referee is still checking on Kalisto in the corner. We get the bell and they go to work. Del Rio fights off Kalisto and quickly hits a stomp for a pin. Del Rio gets the second fall. 
Del Rio hits a clothesline and start the third fall. Del Rio keeps control and takers Kalisto to corner and trying to remove his mask. Del Rio ends up with Kalisto turned upside.He wastes time and Kalisto brings him to the mat with a Frankensteiner. Kalisto with a kick to the face and a springboard in. They run the ropes and Kalisto nails a corkscrew. Kalisto slams Del Rio face first with a hurricanrana for a 2 count. Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Del Rio runs into a boot. Kalisto counters a move and nails a big DDT for a close 2 count.
Kalisto tries to get the top rope but Del Rio slams. Del Rio climbs up and hits an inverted suplex.Kalisto gets to the floor and Del Rio Lost the pin at the point. Del Rio tries to make some more offense but Kalisto rolls him up for the pin to retained.
Winner: Kalisto
 After the match, Kalisto celebrates as Del Rio looks frustrated.
Rich Brennan and AJ Styles are in social media lounge to reply the answers of fans. AJ Styles replied many question. Including comparison of WWE to other companies on which he said its like a baseball he played in minor leagues and now he is Japan and it has no comparison to other. He discusses his match with Y2J and we go live to Fastlane Pay per view kick off.
 The 2016 WWE Fastlane pay-per-view kicks off with the video package. We're live from Cleveland with Michael Cole, JBL and Byron Saxton.
Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch vs. Tamina Snuka and Naomi
We go right to the ring and out comes Sasha Banks to a big pop. Her partner Becky Lynch is out next to a pop. We see the Spanish announce team at ringside. Tamina Snuka and Naomi are out next. We see Facebook video from earlier today with JoJo interviewing Team BAD backstage, who are confident about winning this match.
We also see the German announce team at ringside. Becky starts off with Naomi but Sasha tags herself in. Becky and Sasha argue already. Naomi nails them both and starts the match. Tamina comes in but gets booted by Sasha. Becky tags herself in and they argue again. Tamina charges but they work together and nail a double dropkick. Becky drops a leg, an elbow and another leg for a 2 count. Tamina takes Becky to the corner and in comes Naomi. Becky turns it around and nails a few arm drags. Naomi counters and hits the series of jumping kicks. Becky takes them and hits the exploder suplex, sending Naomi to the floor. Becky and Sasha run the ropes and baseball slide their opponents on the floor. They come off the apron together and nail their opponents again. Becky brings Naomi back in but she rolls right back out. Becky kicks Tamina away but Naomi takes advantage and drops Becky from the top, sending her to the floor. Fans chant for Sasha.
Becky makes it back in at the 8 count but Naomi starts pounding on her. Naomi stomps Becky and tags in Tamina. Naomi whips Becky into a big clothesline from Tamina. Tamina with a 2 count. Tamina keeps Becky grounded now. Sasha reaches for a tag and tries to rally fans. Tamina slams Becky and knocks Sasha off the apron. Tamina slams Becky by her hair. Naomi tags back in for the double team and a 2 count. Naomi works Becky over and keeps her down with a headlock.

Becky finally fights back and sends Naomi over the top. Becky pulls herself to the apron and is ready for the tag. She gets it and starts unloading on Naomi. Sasha knocks Tamina off the apron. She catches a Naomi kick and nails a big kick of her own. Sasha with a double knees as fans cheer. Sasha with running knees in the corner. She goes for another but Naomi moves and she hits the turnbuckles. Sasha sends Naomi into the turnbuckles face first now. Sasha with the Backstabber out of the corner and the Banks Statement but Tamina pulls Sasha out of the ring. Sasha chases Tamina around the ring and back in. Sasha runs into the Rear View from Naomi for a close 2 count. They waste time and Sasha sends Naomi into the ring post. Tamina tags in and drops Sasha with a big superkick. Tamina covers but Becky saves the pin. Naomi comes in and throws Becky to the floor. They go for a double suplex on Sasha but she counters. Becky with a double missile dropkick. Tamina misses a clothesline and Sasha drops her into the Banks Statement. Naomi runs in but Becky stops her and applies the Disarm Her at the same time. Team BAD taps out.
Winners: Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch
 After the match, Sasha and Becky celebrate and stand tall as Team BAD looks on from the ramp. We go to break.We look back on Kevin Owens title win at RAW and we go for his match.
WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. Kevin Owens
Kevin Owens comes out to a heat and Dolph is Out next to huge pop from the crown and we go to it. Ziggler goes on it but Owens hide in the ropes. They lock it up again and Owens goes again to the ropes and hits a cheap headbutt on Ziggler.Ziggler tries to keep control but Owens applies a headlock. Shoulder tackle for one count for Owens. Ziggler slips and lands bad in the corner and Owens takes control again.Ziggler comes back and nails a swinging neckbreaker. Ziggler misses an elbow and Owens comes back with another senton for a 2 count. Owens with a headlock now. Owens charges in the corner but Ziggler moves and Owens lands out on the floor. Owens clutches his shoulder but comes back in. Owens misses in the corner and Ziggler comes back with two big splashes. Ziggler with right hands, a neckbreaker and three elbows. Ziggler covers for a close 2 count after the fourth elbow. Ziggler misses a Fame-asser but keeps going. Owens ends up dropping Ziggler on the top rope and crotching him. Owens with the corner cannonball for a close 2 count.
Owens yells out at Cole and wastes time. Ziggler avoids a pop-up powerbomb and drops Owens with a DDT for a 2 count. Ziggler with shots in the corner. Ziggler takes Owens to the top for a superplex but Owens fights him off. Owens counters and slams Ziggler hard to the mat from up high. Ziggler rolls to the floor. Owens follows but Ziggler nails a superkick and they're both down now. Ziggler rolls Owens back in the ring. Owens blocks the Zig Zag and hits a superkick. Owens also goes down. Owens gets up and stumbles into another big superkick. Ziggler covers for a close 2 count. Owens rolls to the floor now.
Owens get Ziggler down to the floor and tries to connect a power bomb but Ziggler counters him through the steel steps. Ziggler takes Owens to the ring and tries to connect a superkick. Owens takes a side and Referee almost got the superkick. It distract Ziggler for a second and Owens took advantage of this one second for the powerbomb and Pin.
Winner: Kevin Owens
Owens Leave with the title after the match as we see Ziggler tries to recover.
Big Show, Ryback and Kane backstage preparing for war. They comments their own at the match and walk toward the ring as we see a video feed on the match up.
Erick Rowan, Luke Harper and Braun Strowman vs. Kane, Big Show and Ryback
Wyatts music hits and the comes out first. Big Show is next then Ryback makes his way out Kane storms out at last number.
Ryback and Rowan go first on it. Rowan takes the control early on a takes Ryback to the corner for some offense. Ryback makes a brief comeback and hits a spear kind shoulder into the corner. Ryback hits a great missile drop kick on Rowan. Ryback tags in Big Sow and he hits a punch on Rowan.Big Show hits his signature chest chops.

Show carry the offense and tags Ryback again. Rowan makes a come back and drops Ryback with a big elbow.Rowan tags Harper who also hits some slams on Ryback. Braun Strowman gets the tag and squash Ryback into the corner. Rowan gets the tag back and we witness a huge feed me more chant.Ryback connects a Suplex on Rowan.

Kane comes in and drops Rowan with a DDT. Kane slams Rowan and dropkicks him for a 2 count. Kane keeps control but runs into an elbow. Kane drops Rowan with a big boot. Harper runs in and stops a chokeslam but Kane drops him. Kane sends Rowan to the floor and follows. They fight right in front of Bray sitting in the chair. Braun gets involved and takes over, bringing Kane back in the ring. Braun beats Kane around and tags Harper in. They keep up the attack on Kane and in comes Braun again. Braun beats Kane around the ring until he runs into an elbow. Braun misses in the corner and awkwardly tumbles to the floor. Rowan helps him back in the ring and Harper tags in.
Ryback comes in and unloads on Harper. Ryback with four running high knees in the corner. Ryback slams Harper twice as fans chant "feed me more" and Harper comes back for two more slams. Ryback slams Harper one more time and then nails a running powerslam for a 2 count as Rowan flies off the top to break it up. Kane chokeslams Rowan. Braun runs through Kane. Show sends Braun over the top. Harper hits Show from behind. Show lifts Harper and tosses him out onto everyone else. Show stands tall as fans cheer. Show goes around to the floor and spears Braun.
Ryback nails a Meathook on Harper. Bray distracts Ryback. Harper rolls him up for 2. Harper with a superkick. Kane takes out Wyatt on the floor. Ryback hits Shellshocked on a distracted Harper for the win.
Winners: Ryback, Big Show and Kane
 After the match, faces stand tall in the ring as The Wyatt Family recovers on the floor and we go to replays.
Roman Reigns is backstage with JoJo and tells us that every thing changed after Smackdown and. He added the only thing that matters is, who is gonna stand at the end of the main event.Ambrose appears and crowd goes nuts. Ambrose and Reigns have words and JoJo remind them that there is also Brock Lesnar in the main event tonight to worry about. Ambrose takes a shot on Brock and says Brock is not gonna win tonight. Ambrose tells that his crystal ball show one of us (Ambrose and Reigns) to stand against triple H at Wrestlemania 32. Reigns give his usual words Believe That and leaves in a lot of boooos.
 We get a video for tonight's WWE Divas Title match.
WWE Divas Title Match: Brie Bella vs. Charlotte
Brie comes first to the ring to a pop and then Charlotte makes her way out to the ring with his father Ric Flair.Brie is wearing Daniel Bryan's kickpads from WrestleMania XXX tonight. They lock up and go to the corner. They lock up again and Charlotte slams Brie on her face. Charlotte mocks the "yes!" chants now. Brie charges but Charlotte goes to the ropes and forces her to back off. They trade holds on the mat now. Brie fights out of the scissors and nails Charlotte with strikes. Brie with a fireman's carry takedown and an armbar as The Nature Boy looks on.

Charlotte with some more offense and hits a knee to the jaw. They trade some locks. Brie mocks Flair in a fun full way.Both gals make it to the floor but Charlotte runs in to the ring. Charlotte goes for an Alabama Slam and says this is for Nikki but it's blocked. Brie rolls her up for 2. Charlotte comes right back with a clothesline. Charlotte wastes time and poses as fans boo. Charlotte with a 2 count. Charlotte with knees to the back now. Charlotte with another 2 count. Brie looks to go for the Yes Lock as they trade holds. Brie ends up on Charlotte's back with a sleeper hold locked in.
Charlotte breaks the hold and drops Brie for a 2 count. Charlotte with a shot to the neck and the head scissors. Charlotte slams Brie and tosses her around with the scissors. Charlotte launches Brie with the scissors and kicks to her feet. Charlotte mocks The Bella Twins and wastes more time. Brie ducks a kick and slams Charlotte's face into the mat. Brie calls for "Brie Mode" and hits the running knee to the face. Brie with a bunch of forearms and one big forearm to drop Charlotte for a close 2 count. Charlotte fights back and delivers chops to the chest. Charlotte ducks and nails a neckbreaker. Brie with a close 2 count. Charlotte runs over Brie with a big boot to the face.
Charlotte goes for the Figure Four but it's countered. Brie sends her to the apron. Brie dropkicks Charlotte to the floor, right next to Flair. Brie dropkicks Charlotte from the apron again. Brie rolls Charlotte back in and goes to the top. Brie with a missile dropkick. Brie sells a leg injury but hits a bunch of "yes!" kicks. She misses the roundhouse but slams Charlotte with a Bella Buster for a 2 count. More back and forth but Brie is selling the leg injury. Brie gets the Yes Lock applied. Flair throws a fit at ringside. Brie turns it into a single leg crab right in Flair's face. Brie adjusts her position and her leg goes out. Charlotte quickly kicks out of the hold and Brie goes face first into the rope. Charlotte applies the Figure Four into the Figure Eight for the win.
Winner: Charlotte
 After the match, we go to replays. Brie recovers as The Flairs make their exit.
 A WrestleMania 32 promo airs. We get a look at AJ Styles arriving in WWE and his feud with Chris Jericho. JoJo approaches Jericho backstage. She asks if there is any truth to Styles saying his win over Jericho is eating at him inside. Jericho brushes it off and says he won their last match so he has the upperhand. He doesn't like Styles but he respects him. Jericho says if Styles beats him again, it could cement his spot in WWE. If he loses, it could send him packing from WWE. Jericho is worried for Styles and says he must be under a lot of pressure. Jericho reminds us he's the best in the world at what he does and says we're going to find out if AJ Styles is really phenomenal.
AJ Styles vs. Chris Jericho
AJ Styles comes to the ring in his phenomenal styles. Jericho next to the ring and we witness a usual in ring introduction. They lock up and go to the corner. They lock up again and trade holds. Styles with an early roll up for a 2 count. More back and forth. Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho but it's blocked. Styles goes for the Calf Crusher but Jericho quickly gets to the bottom rope and goes to the floor. Fans cheer them both.

 Styles baseball slides to the floor but Jericho runs right in the ring. We get dueling chants from the crowd now. Styles comes back in and they lock up. Styles gets the upperhand and takes it to the corner. Styles slams Jericho and drops a knee to the face for a 2 count. They trade several chops now. Jericho with forearms. Styles throws Jericho to the apron but he goes to the top and comes down with a big right hand. Styles gets right up with a dropkick. Styles with a snap suplex as the dueling chants start back up.

Jericho manages to hit a bi back drop and then clothesline him , he also hits a baseball slide. Styles sent out into barrier. Jericho brings it back to the ring and makes his way to the top rope.Jericho with a crossbody for a 2 count. Jericho with a headlock and Styles makes it for a slam but Jericho suddenly gets the control back on. Styles somehow hits a flying clothesline and a clothesline into the corner. Jericho is on his knees and Styles hits another high running punch to the mouth of Jericho.Styles tries a Styles clash but Jericho turned it to and enzigiri. Jericho sets for a running bull dog but takes a face first to the floor for a close count.

They go on and Jericho hits a Lionsault for 2. Jericho with a clothesline in the corner before taking Styles up top for a superplex. Styles slides out and drops Jericho's face into the turnbuckle. Styles springboards in from the apron but before he can bounce off the top rope, Jericho nails a springboard dropkick, knocking Styles off the rope for a 2 count. More back and forth as they go into the corner. Jericho is on top as Styles catches him with a pele kick. Styles climbs up for a hurricanrana but Jericho catches him and falls to the mat. Jericho is still holding Styles and puts him in the Walls, right in the middle of the ring.
Styles crawls some and finally makes it to the bottom rope to break the hold. Jericho is frustrated now. He goes to work and drops AJ on his head outside of the ring. The referee counts as Jericho comes back in. Jericho goes back out and applies the Liontamer on the floor. He comes back in and lets the referee count. Styles makes it back in before the count out but Jericho nails a Codebreaker. Jericho covers but Styles gets the bottom rope. Jericho calls Styles a stupid son of a b---h and a stupid man. He slaps Styles around in the corner. Jericho runs into a boot to the chest. Styles fights back now. Styles counters a move and nails the Styles Clash for a close 2 count. Styles goes into the Calf Crusher. Jericho tries for the bottom rope but finally has to tap out.
Winner: AJ Styles
After the match, Styles stands tall and has his hand raised as his music hits. He goes to the corners and poses for fans as Jericho gets up. Jericho comes from behind and pulls Styles from the top. They come face to face. Styles turns to leave and Jericho grabs him, drawing his fist back. Styles says they can go again if Jericho wants to. Jericho drops his fist and extends his hand as some fans boo. Styles shakes Jericho's hand as they play his music again.
We go back to the panel and they tell us that Edge and Christian's peep show with New Day is next Tonight. Edge's Music hits and he makes his way to the ring first. Then Christian does the same.Ring was set for a special Cutting Edge Peep show and we get some introduction about the both legends. Edge talk about their show that will air later tonight in fact , premier later tonight.Edge says its really great to appear in the front of crowd he says some more but New Day interrupts as expected.
Xavier Woods, Big E and Kofi Kingston talk as they enter the ring and meet Edge and Christian in the middle. The two sides go back and forth on the mic but the Network is having a lot of issues. The New Day talk about being the best. They're interrupted by The League of Nations - King Barrett, Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio and Rusev. Woods says they would love to fight The League but it's their day of rest. The New Day leaves. Barrett threatens Edge and Christian with a Bullhammer. Sheamus also threatens them. 
Del Rio gets in Edge's face and takes credit for forcing Edge to retire. Edge and Christian leave the ring and walk to the back, stopping in front of The New Day. Edge says they were going to do a 5 Second Pose but that's on The League now. He introduces them as The International House of Dumbasses. The New Day dances around and plays Francesca 2 while Edge and Christian plug their show, all of this being done to taunt The League as they look on from the ring. Not much to this segment We go to break.
Social Outcasts make their way to the ring and says they are gonna Viral tonight's Fastlane. They also talk about some Wrestlemania and raod to Wrestlemania but R-Truth's music hits and he comes out.
Curtis Axel vs R- Truth
Slater and Rose get on the apron at one point, causing a distraction. Bo pushes Truth off the top as the referee deals with the other two. Rose, Bo and Slater run a victory lap around the ring as fans cheer and Axel gives them a thumbs up. Goldust makes his way out and trips Axel as Truth whips him into the ropes. Slater charges at ringside but Goldust ends him into the barrier. Goldust rolls Rose into the ring as he charges. This leads to Axel getting the roll up on Truth for the win.
Winner: Curtis Axel
 After the match, Goldust comes in and apologizes for accidentally costing Truth the match. Truth isn't happy and leaves.
Its main event time. The long awaiting moment comes at last Dean Ambrose get it to the ring. The Power House Roman Reigns makes his way out next through the crowd... Brock Lesnar with Paul Heyman is the final guy for the match.  We got a ring introduction and here we go.
fastlane 2016 main event
Roman Reigns vs Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar
They attack each other at the start and we see ahuge brawl from all three men. Ambrose was sent out of the ring early on and Roman Reigns takes the first suplex of the match. Ambrose tries to save but Lesnar sends him back again and hits a German. Roman Reigns got the first F5 but kick out some how. Reigns and Ambrose try to put some action but in vain. Ambrose takes some Germans and a huge Spear to Lesnar by Roman Reigns but only got two the match is going hard and hardcore. Ambrose and Reigns join the forces now and they get it to Lesnar they beat the hell out of Lesnar is former shield styles and hits a huge powerbomb on the announce table.

Ambrose finally sends Reigns into the steel steps and brings it in the ring. Ambrose takes him down and they go at it. Ambrose with a shot in the corner and the running bulldog. Ambrose goes to the top and hits the flying elbow for a close 2 count on Reigns. Reigns blocks a neckbreaker and nails a big right hand. They trade shots in the middle of the ring now. Ambrose unloads with punches and chops. Ambrose runs into a boot but bounces back with the big clotheslines. Lesnar starts moving at ringside as Heyman has been pleading with him. Ambrose and Reigns see this. Ambrose goes to ringside and starts beating on Lesnar. Reigns joins in. They launch Lesnar into the barrier and he hits with a big thud. Ambrose takes apart the main announce table now. They grab Lesnar and powerbomb him through a second announce table. Lesnar is down and in pain.

They bury Lesnar under a bunch of table pieces. Reigns nails Ambrose with a right hand out of nowhere. Reigns brings it back in the ring and unloads in the corner as fans boo and count along. Reigns drops Ambrose with a right but he gets right back up. Reigns rolls Ambrose up for 2 and lifts him for the powerbomb but Ambrose hangs on and nails elbows to the head. Ambrose ends up coming off the second rope but falls on a Superman punch instead. Fans boo as Reigns readies for the spear. Ambrose gets his knee up instead. Reigns charges and Ambrose sends him into the ring post. Ambrose with Dirty Deeds on Reigns for a close 2 count as fans lose it.

They get it back to the ring and gave each n every think they have to got their chance. Brock  stroms into the ring and applies kimura on Roman Reigns and Roman screaming in pain Ambrose rushes out Reigns escapes some how and they send Brock Lesnar down. Ambrose turn around in a huge spear by Roman Reigns and Roman Pin it for the win. What a match.
Winner and #1 Contender:Roman Reigns

Reigns recovers as we go to replays. We come back to Reigns celebrating. The pyro goes off as he looks up at the WrestleMania 32 sign. The celebration is interrupted by Triple H's music. Out comes the WWE World Heavyweight Champion in a suit. He enters the ring and they stare each other down while circling. They stop and look up at the WrestleMania sign, then back at each other. Triple H raises the title up in Reigns' face as Fastlane goes off the air.

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