Thursday 4 February 2016

Lucha Underground results for 3rd February 2016

rey mysterio lucha underground
Lucha Underground Results For 3rd February 2016 are here. The show opens up with Prince Puma is backstage working out and Pentagon Jr. come in.They trade words and get some nice to each others. Puma looks in the eyes of Pentagon Jr. as well as Pentagon Jr and Puma walks off. Both guys will team up for our main event tonight to take on the Disciples of Death in a three on two handicap match.

Johnny Mundo vs. Killshot starts and they trade high flying shots early on. Crowd boo Johnny Moundo Killshot hits a rolling cutter but Mundo gets it into the ropes for Safety. Killshot sets for Piledriver but Mundo counters a C4 for a two count. They get it to the corner and Killshot hits a second rope DDT out of nowhere and then hits a 450 splash for a two count. Mundo hits a low kick and then hits a End of The World for the pin.Referee is in somekind of brawl so he can not see the low kick. Mundo wins.
 Mundo grabs a mic to run his mouth on champion Mil Muertes, but is cut off by Cage. The big man tells Mil if he wants a real challenge, he won't just break his arm like Pentagon, he'll break him in half. Mundo tells Cage he's not even in his league, prompting a rush of the ring. They go head-to-head but Mundo bails, only to sneak back into the ring from behind and go on the attack. Cage shakes it off and gets him up in a military press but Johnny struggles free and runs away.
 Sexy Starr is handcuffed to a chair in some bedroom, obviously in pretty bad shape. Marty the Moth shows up in all his creepiness, and holds out his hand to reveal a moth, that may or may not be alive. He talks about the catapillar that thought the world was over before transforming and seeing the world in a whole new perspective. Marty says his sister believes it's almost time for Sexy to spread her wings and return to The Temple - but she won't be alone, because they are going with her.
 We are treated to a vignette for "Darewolf" PJ Black (the former Justin Gabriel), who is beating the hell out of some motorcycle gang dudes.

Drewolf 'PJ Black'vs The Mack starts a A few impressive snap armdrags by Drewolf to start the match, but Mack shuts it down with a stiff clothesline, then squashes him in the corner with a set of running splashes. Samoan Drop and that 300-pound standing moonsault for a two-count. Black floats over a release German suplex and drops the big man with a pele kick, then hoists him up for a spin-out, sit-down slam (Striker called it "Black to the Future"). He goes high rent for the 450 splash, but Mack rolls out of the way. Black off the springboard, Mack catches him out of the air with a stunner! 1...2...3!

Prince Puma & Pentagon Jr. vs The Disciples of Death starts with Puma and one of DOD.Puma ends up taking all three to the floor, but as he's preparing for a big outside dive, Pentagon cuts him off and dives over the ropes to take them out instead. Not a great sign, early on.
The numbers game catches up pretty quickly, and the Disciples take complete control of Prince Puma for several minutes. Pentagon doesn't seem interested in making an actual tag, but eventually just rushes the ring and takes out all three opponents anyways. Puma with a springboard dropkick to one of the goons, and the two come face-to-face and get into a shoving contest. The Disciples take advantage of their terrible team work and go back to work on Puma, keeping Pentagon on the outside. Eventually Puma fights back and manages to hit the 630 splash, but Pentagon makes the most casual blind tag I've ever seen and steals the pin.
 Pentagon hits the backstabber on Puma after the match. He sets up to break his arm, but perhaps takes too much time and Puma manages to break free. Pentagon bails from the ring and we get a tense staredown as the show fades to black.
 Fade back in and we're in a dark room with a figure in a hood, looking down. He talks about the destiny of El Dragon Azteca and how it was supposed to be his destiny, but he gave it up to walk down a different path in life. He takes off the hood and it's...Rey Mysterio! He's back. show ends.

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Lucha Underground results for 3rd February 2016
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