Thursday 4 February 2016

WWE NXT results for 3rd Februrary 2016

finn balor
WWE NXT Results For 3rd February 2016 with complete episode are here. First match of the night is between Hype Bros and Vaudvillians.
Match start between both teams and Ryder and English start the things off. They start with locks and then Ryder hits a neckbreaker he carries on offense and also hits a facebuster and then a huge Dropkick. Ryder try to cover but Gotch gets involved. English gets a chance to recover and hits a kick to Ryder that allows hit to tag his partner. Gotch tries to keep Ryder grounded but then Ryder hits and Enziguri and Rawley gets a hot tag. He hits Gotch with some clotheslines but soon after that he sent out from ring. Ryder tags in a gets a Whirling Dervish. Vaudvellians win via pinfall.
Tom Phillips interviewed Carmella backstage. She talk about her match with Emma next. She says she's gonna beat Emma to show the world that she deserves a title shot. She also added that her match with Bayley next week will not change their friendship. Segment end. Dash and Dawson are also backstage and talking trash about Enzo and Cass.
Carmella vs Emma is next. Emma came out with Dana Brooke and out came Carmella to a reaction from crowd. They start the things off and Carmella hits some dropkicks she tries to keep Emma grounded but gets a clothesline from Emma. Now Emma is in control and keep Carmella grounded. Carmella makes a brief come back and hits a head scissor on Emma Carmella does some more and hits a Bronco Buster. Carmella then hits a Backslide for the pin and the win.Carmella proves what she says.
Sami Zayn is backstage and talks about triple threat match that happened previous week. He says he applied the submission first so he is the winner and #1 contender. Asked from Samoa Joe and he just make a roar kind voice in anger. 
Enzo and Cass vs Couple of Local Wrestlers. We do not know the names of their competitors but it was just a squash and Enzo and Big Cass win it so easily with a Rocket Launcher.
Baron Corbin talking with Regal back stage and says he also want another #1 contender match but Regal replied that he was beat last week and taps so he is not in the match and announces a #1 contender match between Samoa Joe vs Sami Zayn. 
Asuka vs Santana Garrett starts and Asuka got control early on Garrett fights back and hits a Russian Leg Sweep for a close two count then she catches Asuka in a Black Widow but Asuka Changes it into an Ankle Lock somehow. Asuka applies an arm bar and then Asuka Lock and Santana Garrett submits. Asuka wins it via submission. 
 We see Finn Balor backstage and he says that he is not envy Regal, he says he is happy that they solve things in NXT. Which is what he's about to do with Apollo Crews.
Finn Balor vs Apollo Crews starts and they trade some headlocks but suddenly Apollo Crews sends Balor out of the ring with a huge Dropkick as Balor hits some kicks and sends out Apollo Crews, Balor hits a dive on Apollo. Balor hits a Coup De Grace on Apollo Crews but he kicks out somehow and Balor looks stunned. Apollo tries to fight back and hits a Samoan Drop to a close count
Apollo tries to hit an Enziguri but Balor catches him into a slindblade but Apollo hits a Pump kick and then a moonsault and we think it is the end but no, Balor kicks out, Apollo Crews is in shock. Crews goes for a Cannonbomb but Balor turns it into a Slingblade and hits a Bloody Sunday following a Coup De Grace for the pin 1.2.3. Balor wins. Both guys shake hands after the bout to end the show.

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WWE NXT results for 3rd Februrary 2016
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