Wednesday 3 February 2016

Ring Of Honor TV results for 3rd February 2016

Ring Of Honor TV results for 3rd February 2016.The show opens  ROH World Tlevision Championship.
ROH World Television Championship
Roderick Strong (c) vs. Masada
Masada almost gets a quick pin, and a shoving match ensues. After a few chops, Masada pulls Strong outside the ring and slams Strong on the floor. Strong back suplexes Masada on the ring apron, which results in a nasty bump. We come back to see Masada drop Strong on his head with a belly-to-back suplex, which causes Strong's own knee to hit his face. Masada hits a Death Valley Driver, but goes for a weird looking lateral press and can't get the win. Strong hits an Olympic Slam, a big knee, and an inverted back suplex. Masada pulls an armbar out of nowhere, but Strong gets to the ropes. Masada pulls out a bunch of Bamboo sticks, but gets kneed in the face. Strong wins.
Winner: Roderick Strong via pinfall to retain the ROH World TV Championship
Bobby Fish continues to troll Roderick Strong, and Strong says that Fish can't handle defeat. He thinks Fish wants to be him. Strong throws the mic at Fish, who says he isn't going to stop chasing Roderick Strong.
Top Prospect Tournament
Colby Corino (w/ BJ Whitmer) vs. Punisher Martinez
Corino throws some nice strikes, but they get no sold, and Punisher drills Colby with a big spin kick. Corino somehow kicks out of a belly-to-backbreaker and hits a springboard cutter, elbow, and a big flip to the outside on Martinez. Martinez catches him with a powerbomb on the floor, then hits a Last Ride on the apron. A seated chokeslam wins it for Martinez, who looked awesome.
Winner: Punisher Martinez via pinfall (chokeslam)
BJ Whitmer demands that Mr. Wrestling 3 take off his mask. Whitmer grabs Colby by the throat and says he knows Colby snuck off at Christmas to call his father. He says he can forget that, but not the sins of Steve. He hits four exploder suplexes on Colby and places him right in front of Mr. Wrestling 3. Colby is helped to the back by Mr. Wrestling 3.
Jay Lethal & Adam Cole (w/ Truth Martini & Taeler Hendrix) vs. ReDRagon
O'Reilly grabs a quick armbar on Lethal, who gets to the ropes. ReDRagon destroy the arm of Jay Lethal. Cole gets tagged in and takes out Fish with a fireman's carry neckbreaker, which allows Lethal to send Fish into the barricade at ringside.
Fish gets worked over and falls victim to a Lethal Combination and superkick combo. He somehow kicks out and mounts a comeback, leading to him hitting a dragon screw on Lethal. Fish and Cole tag in and forearm the hell out of each other. Every man hits a signature move, leading to Cole accidentally getting hit with a Lethal Injection. Chasing the Dragon pins Adam Cole. Great finish.
Winners: ReDRagon via pinfall (Chasing the Dragon)

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Ring Of Honor TV results for 3rd February 2016
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