Wednesday 24 February 2016

ROH TV results for 24th February 2016

roderick strong
ROH TV results for 24th February 2016.Veda Scott comes out and offers to pay Jonathan Gresham to give Cedric Alexander his ROH TV Title shot and go away forever. Gresham declines. ROH World Television Championship between Roderick Strong (c) and Jonathan Gresham started the show. 
ROH World Television Championship 
Roderick Strong (c) vs. Jonathan Gresham
The two trade holds, and Strong just flips out and acts cocky. Strong is only 5'10, but has probably a half-foot on Gresham. They go back and forth with chops, but Strong stops Gresham in his tracks with a big backbreaker. We come back from a commercial to see Strong catching Gresham coming off the top rope with a dropkick.
Gresham works the fingers of Strong repeatedly, which is actually supposed to be illegal under the guise of "small joint manipulation." Either way, Gresham connects with a couple of knees and an arm drag followed by a near three count, but Strong manages to fire back with a big knee for the pin.
Winner: Roderick Strong via pinfall (knee) to retain the ROH World Television Championship
Bobby Fish hits the ring and attacks Strong, who dips out.
War Machine vs. Brutal Bob Evans & Tim Hughes
This is going to be violent. Rowe hits an Exploder on Hughes, then War Machine crush Hughes with knees and a Bronco Buster. This is a completely one sided beat down. Hanson wins with a splash.
Winners: War Machine via pinfall (splash)
ANX come out with weapons, and say they aren't scared. Kenny King calls War Machine "bearded b-----s," and make fun of Ray Rowe's motorcycle accident.
 Silas Young is backstage hyping up his match with the Boys next week.
 Young Bucks tell Kevin Kelly that they're bringing Kenny Omega to ROH 14th, and they're bringing the world's biggest Superkick Party.
BJ Whitmer vs. Chase Brown
Chase Brown looks like a 1991 WWF jobber, and it's pretty cool, honestly. He eats an Exploder suplex early and is pinned.
Winner: BJ Whitmer via pinfall (Exploder Suplex)
Adam Page comes out and brawls with Whitmer.
 Dalton Castle is backstage and tells the Boys not to worry about their match against Silas and the Bruiser next week.
 Adam Cole is in the ring for a promo and says he'll make sure Kyle O'Reilly will never become ROH Champion. He says he'll take Lethal's title from him, which brings out the ROH Champion. Lethal says 'let's leave the kid (O'Reilly) out of it,' since he's never been Champion. Kyle hits the ring and attacks Cole and leaves both opponents in a heap in the ring.
The Briscoes (w/ ODB) vs. ACH & Alex Shelley
Christopher Daniels' suspension is up and he joins the booth for commentary. ACH and Jay Briscoe take each other out, which brings in Alex Shelley, who dominates both Briscoes before hitting a slingshot body press to the outside onto Mark. Shelley connects with a Randy Savage double axehandle before we go to commercial.
We come back to see Shelley being controlled by the Briscoes, but ACH comes to his rescue, and scores a Get Over Here on Mark Briscoe. ACH lands an insane uppercut kick on Mark Briscoe and an Air Jordan on Jay Briscoe, but Jay gets back inside to break up the count on his brother.
Mark Briscoe clears the ring with Redneck Kung Fu. Shelley drops him, but Daniels grabs his leg, while the Briscoes get the Doomsday Device on ACH for the win.
Winners: Briscoes via pinfall (Doomsday Device)
The Addiction come out to the ring, but Chris Sabin doesn't touch Shelley as Addiction beats him down. ACH pulls Shelley out of the ring as Addiction argue with Sabin.

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ROH TV results for 24th February 2016
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