Wednesday 24 February 2016

WWE NXT results for 24th February 2016

apollo crews
WWE NXT results for 24th February 2016.The show features Apollo Crews vs. Chris Girard and the main event Nia Jax & Eva Marie vs. BayMella. American Alpha and Blake & Murphy (w/ Alexa Bliss) started the show.
American Alpha vs. Blake & Murphy (w/ Alexa Bliss)
Gable and Jordan dominate Murphy, but Blake is tagged in and taken down repeatedly by Gable. Gable then goes back to Murphy with an armdrag before running the heels into each other as we go to a commercial break.
We come back to see Jordan handling Murphy, which Gable is happy to follow up on. Unfortunately for Gable, some crafty work makes him eat a big clothesline. He's worked over in the heel corner for about five minutes before making the hot tag to Jason Jordan.
Jordan hits two belly to belly suplexes before crushing Blake in the corner. He follows with a flapjack to Murphy, then tags in Chad Gable. Together they hit Grand Amplitude for the win.
Winners: American Alpha via pinfall (Grand Amplitude)
 William Regal announces a 2 out of 3 falls match between Samoa Joe and Sami Zayn to determine a number one contender to the NXT Title. He says a new NXT signing will also appear next week.
 We get an Elias Samson vignette.
Apollo Crews vs. Chris Girard
Girard is the former Biff Busick, and he gets dropkicked with the quickness. He battles back with a hilarious grunt and a series of European uppercuts. He continues with a nice reverse headlock takeover, and holds the headlock for about two minutes. Crews takes him down and hits a couple of clotheslines and a Toss Powerbomb for the win.
Winner: Apollo Crews via pinfall (Toss Powerbomb)
 Baymella are backstage and Bayley says she's glad Asuka was there to help a couple of weeks ago, but she knows that Asuka wants the title.
 We see footage of Dash and Dawson attacking Enzo and Cass outside the Performance Center.
Tommaso Ciampa vs. Bull Dempsey
Bull gets an armdrag and a punch after doing some jumping jacks, but Ciampa gets a nice running single arm DDT. Ciampa works Dempsey over before reversing some strikes with a bridging armbar for the submission.
Winner: Tommaso Ciampa via submission (bridging armbar)
 Samoa Joe says he's been jumping through hoops to get what he deserves, and he's going to take it in two weeks. Zayn is elsewhere backstage saying he's going to do what it takes.
Nia Jax & Eva Marie vs. BayMella
Bayley gets headbutted by Nia, but Eva gets tagged in and beaten up, which leads to both of BayMella moonwalking. Carmella applies a headlock, but walks into a shoulder breaker from Jax, who made a blind tag. Eva tags back in, almost gets pinned and tags back out, allowing Jax to apply a bear hug.
Carmella gets attacked in the heel corner and tries to fight back with forearms, but gets stopped in her tracks. She sends Nia outside and tags Bayley, who runs through Eva with elbows and a suplex. Bayley lands a Bayley to Belly, but Jax pulls her out and headbutts her. Carmella tags in and applies her submission, only to be broken up by Nia. Jax hits three leg drops, and Eva tags in to get the pin.
Winners: Nia Jax & Eva Marie via pinfall (Leg Drop)
At the end of the show, William Regal announces that Finn Balor will take on the longest reigning NXT Champion ever, Neville.

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WWE NXT results for 24th February 2016
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