Saturday 6 June 2015

Ring Of Honor tv results for 6 June 2015

Ring Of Honor tv results for 6 June 2015Ring Of Honor tv results  for 6 June 2015 Next Week's DA Show, Tag Title Match, Bullet Club, Dalton Castle ! This will be the second show to air on Destination America, and features more matches from the ROH/NJPW joint shows.
 Christopher Daniels and Kazarian come out for a promo and say Bobby Fish got attacked in the parking lot and the main event might be cancelled. They say the contract is to fight Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly, not O'Reilly and a replacement. This brings Kyle out, and the match starts
ROH Tag Team Championships
Addiction (c) vs. Kyle O'Reilly
O'Reilly gets the advantage on both guys, but Kaz and Daniels double team him and control the match. O'Reilly threatens periodically, but Addiction cut him off and end his glimmer of hope. O'Reilly does a cool spot on the outside where Addiction is on a chair and he hits a big knee on both of them. Back inside, O'Reilly gets an armbar on Kaz and Daniels hits him with the belt.
Winner: Kyle O'Reilly via DQ
Addiction attacks after the match, but Matt Sydal and ACH make the save to a pop.
 We get a promo from Mark Briscoe, where he talks about his match at Best in the World against Donovan Dijak.
Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Dalton Castle (w/ His boys)
Castle and Liger both get great reactions, and this whole situation is a pretty cool scene. Castle controls earlier match and hits a superb huracanrana to the outside of the ring. He flaunts around with his boys as we go to a commercial break.
When we come back, Liger hits a big dive outside to take control and beats down Castle a little bit. Liger then poses with Castle's boys, which really makes Castle crazy at all. The crowd is really enjoying it and gone nuts.
Castle attacks Liger with body presses for a two count, and then both guys are down after a double clothesline. Liger gets up and lands a huracanrana for a nearfall, but Castle gets his knees up on a splash attempt. Castle answers with an inverted airplane spin, but Liger hits the Liger Bomb and brainbuster for the win.
Winner: Jushin Thunder Liger via pinfall (brainbuster)
Castle showed a lot of respect to Liger after the match. This was all really cool to see. Backstage Liger wishes Cheeseburger good luck. They slap each other and hug.
Cheese Burger vs. Brutal Bob Evans
These two brawl outside quickly as this rivalry has gotten pretty emotional. Cheeseburger ends up moving out of the way of a charging Evans, who hits the guard rail. This sets up Cheeseburger for a nice senton off of the rail.
The two go back and forth with big smacks, but Evans hits a big shoulder block. Instead of taking the pin, Evans ends up pulling Cheeseburger. Evans slams Cheeseburger through a table by the ring and the ref calls the match.
Result: No contest
- Jay Lethal is backstage talking about next week's contract signing. We also get a new episode of Inside ROH. ReDRagon will get their tag title rematch at Best in the World.
Kingdom (w/ Maria) vs. Bullet Club (Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows)
Kingdom comes out with the IWGP Tag Team Championships. Karl Anderson is really in to Maria, which has been the story line of late. He chases her and both teams end up brawling. This ends in Gallows hitting a powerbomb on Bennett to the apron as we go to a commercial.
We come back to see the Bullet Club working over Bennett, and Red Shoes doesn't give a damn about their double teaming. Taven sees this and hits a splash, followed by a dropkick. All hell breaks loose, and the ref really doesn't care. Kingdom is in control.
Taven hits a superkick as Bennett spears Anderson, then Taven flips to the outside. This match is all over the place, and the ref calls the match.
Result: No contest
Bullet Club looks like they're going to hit Kingdom with chairs, but Maria distracts them. Kingdom fights them off briefly, but Taven gets tossed into a bunch of chairs to end the show.

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